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Conscious_Card6261 t1_j3k5gkw wrote

No I think Ive more or less made my point. I keep repeating myself because I only want to talk about the right to strike and you seem intent on ignoring my narrow focus for one and reframing my arguement in a way that I dont see as properly engaging with the central conflict. I dont care about blame, which you seem to think is the most 8mportant factor in this scenario. You can make arguements on both sides about blame and frankly it distracts from the central issue in the news of a strike that people my die. I can only describe you as delusional if you believe that a nurses strike wont cause more deaths than not stiking. I get the conditions are bad and my heart goes out but it is relatively straight forward math: 1 to 8 is better than 0 to 8. Like I pray you dont live in NYC because there is literally an overflow of patients in ERs and there are three deadly viruses floating around. Strikes are not necessarily one week affairs, they can last months and in the meantime that is an ER that is either understaffed or just completely inoperable. That means people are dead, and for myself I cant accept that.
