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vuelies_queen t1_j3moean wrote

Not about pay. Pay comes secondary to Enforcement of Safe Staffing ratios. You ask these nurses on the picket lines what they’re fighting for:

Safe staffing. I don’t know what state your BIL works in but these hospitals in New York City are severely understaffed. Only California in the whole nation has an actual LAW on set nurse to patient ratios.

Regular floor mount Sinai nurses have been taking care of 6-8 pts, a lot of ICU nurses had 1:3/1:4 these past couple of years which is incredibly unsafe.


coolwithstuff t1_j3n68sx wrote

The way to hire more nurses is to increase the pay.


lkroa t1_j3njw30 wrote

but also to have better working conditions. no nurse wants a person to die on their watch because they were too busy with a too high patient load