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The_Lone_Apple t1_j576vl6 wrote

No one should lose sight of the reality that this guy might end up under indictment for financial crimes.


nim_opet t1_j57it5z wrote

I mean…it’s not like that would disqualifying him from sitting on the House committees. Child porn and trafficking isn’t enough to get people kicked out of the congress if you are GOP.


PatrickMaloney1 t1_j59vl18 wrote

If Matt Gaetz gets to keep his job, EVERYONE gets to keep their jobs


wreckballin t1_j58jxfv wrote

No one should also lose site that he is the norm in that party. They bash and go after all the fringe groups. Then by some weird coincidence they are are accused and convicted doing the same thing. Listen both parties are lost to me as far as trust, but his party in the last couple of years has been way TF out there.


Justanaveragemofoguy t1_j5d2d5d wrote

He isn’t the norm


wreckballin t1_j5n319x wrote

Not the norm for this, except lying all the way through this election. But from what I have seen in the past the ones who scream the loudest about what the other side had done wrong they find them the guilty ones of doing exactly what they are claiming the “ other side of doing” if I were investigating people I would be looking at these people. It seems it really comes back home.


codeisducky t1_j57g7ir wrote

I would get ready for a life in perpetual darkness if George Santos predicted that the Sun would rise tomorrow morning.


drpvn t1_j574c2l wrote

Austin Powers-esque.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j57j06e wrote

Just waiting for the ultimate switcheroo that he was secretly a Democrat all along.


Sherkhan_25 t1_j59tqel wrote

Excuse my ignorance on this but why is this drag thing such a big issue?

Is he vocally anti lgbtq or something now?


Cantholditdown t1_j5aln0t wrote

Many of the gop are actively using drag shows as a wedge issue but not talking about him being a queen. He is allying himself with these people. Plus it just highlights the totally circus of his candidacy


sharkiest t1_j5a8o1y wrote

He specifically calls drag queens pedophiles and groomers. Nobody cares he’s in drag, they care about the hypocrisy.


-obeytherules t1_j5a9jpl wrote

Gonna need a source for this please


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