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ExistentialSuffering OP t1_j3qwqbc wrote

My brother got on a queens bound M train at 23rd Ely Ave yesterday evening around 5:10pm. He thinks the cat was already on the train. Other passengers were feeding it chicken and my brother gave it water. He scooped her up in and put it in his book bag. The cat is very sweet and friendly. No collar. He intends to clean the cat up tonight and find out if it’s a boy or girl. He’s also going to take it to the vet next Monday to see if it’s chipped.


forhisglory85 t1_j3qydmh wrote

Thank you for your kindness. Hope this little fella/gal gets taken care of and finds a home.


myassholealt t1_j3rqqcc wrote

> Other passengers were feeding it chicken

I'm not sure why exactly, but this made me chuckle. I guess just the thought of someone pulling out a chicken wing from their takeout bag and handing it to a kitten.


CaroleBaskinsBurner t1_j3sqmgu wrote

I did that exact thing for a stray cat that was following me on the street like a month ago, lol. I thought he just inexplicably loved me at first but then I realized he was actually following my bag of food.


Lost-Bee-7507 t1_j3t7y9h wrote

It’s the subway code; you see a cat, give the chickens.


Silo-Joe t1_j3ttpg5 wrote

I was horrified to discover that chickens also eat chicken nuggets. Dropped a nugget by accident at a zoo and a chicken came over and ate it.


ExistentialSuffering OP t1_j3u3dri wrote

My nana would send over baked chicken (we are vegetarians) and my mom would feed the chicken to my parakeets. Alf and Alfalfa (our parakeets) lived until they were 17/18 years old.


woodcider t1_j3ufa5e wrote

I had a parakeet that loved chicken. His little eyes would ping like crazy.


Silo-Joe t1_j3uro1m wrote

Did you teach them to say they wanted chicken?


threadofhope t1_j3tzu7y wrote

Guess a lot of animals love chicken. I witnessed two backyard ducks eating their step-sister the chicken. I had spent weeks thinking the trio was wholesome and cute. Until the carnage.


Silo-Joe t1_j3ursll wrote

I felt similarly betrayed when I saw a squirrel with a dead bird in its mouth.


threadofhope t1_j3usabh wrote

I didn't know a squirrel would do such a thing. :(


Silo-Joe t1_j3vtyyu wrote

Was surprised to find out that they’re omnivores. But I don’t know why they don’t rip open trash bags and chow down.

Guess storing rotten meat in the squirrel nest isn’t popular with squirrel families.


woodcider t1_j3uf5os wrote

Ever see a pigeon attack a chicken bone? Birds go nuts for chicken.


BootNo9845 t1_j3usiei wrote

😂 I have seen this before at a petting zoo


MyNameIsRobPaulson t1_j3r8n6v wrote

It’s your brother’s cat now! He’s done a good thing - probably a stray or abandoned.


ObieFTG t1_j3rx0m4 wrote

Definitely abandoned, judging by how seemingly well behaved it is, and based on that, probably very recently abandoned.


gthrees t1_j3scvlk wrote

Maybe ran out of an apartment and got lost. A friend’s cat got away without hostile intentions.


ObieFTG t1_j3sfy9p wrote

That’s also a possibility as well.


DFB- t1_j3skp10 wrote

Does your brother need any money for the chunks food? I'll zelle him $15. It ain't much but something to get started for doing a good deed.


ExistentialSuffering OP t1_j3wvqjw wrote

That is so kind. I shared your comment with him. I’ll let you know what he says.


QuiteMad t1_j3ru1p3 wrote

You are a very kind hearted person! Kitty looks to be a little sick, the vet might recommend some antibiotics.

As the cat starts to feel better, it will go explore the apartment more! And probably follow you around and keep you company.


ExistentialSuffering OP t1_j3u3wm9 wrote

My brother has other cats, so he can’t let her out yet. The vet (Dr. Kirk of Queens Midway Animal Hospital, he is a living saint) doesn’t have any appointments until Monday. The kitty is eating/drinking/pooping regularly. My brother sent me pics today and kitty looks better than last night.


jenio13 t1_j3ufxir wrote

Dr Kirk is amazing! And so is your brother!


CreepyTreat t1_j3rwcqs wrote

The world needs more people like you and your brother. Please keep us updated


prem0000 t1_j3slus9 wrote

oh my gosh please keep her safe!! I get so nervous seeing wild animals anywhere in the city. Thank you and your bro for being kind, pls send updates too


CaptAshley t1_j3slgc2 wrote

Your brother is an awesome human being! The poor kitty looks exhausted. Glad they they found their way to him.


cnoelle94 t1_j3v7u87 wrote

What does chipped mean? Like body inserted with a tracker?


ExistentialSuffering OP t1_j3wslw1 wrote

It’s a little chip implanted between the shoulder blades of a cat or dog with the owner’s information on it. It can be read with a scanning device, in an event like this one.


waveball03 t1_j3qxlsd wrote

Cat was probably just trying to get to work.


cakeme t1_j3r2vpl wrote

Yeah now he’s super late


myassholealt t1_j3rqmgk wrote

And good luck getting a boss to believe you're late cause you got kidnapped.


LastValyrian t1_j3t5zvx wrote

“Great another human picked me up. This expensive rent ain’t gonna pay for itself meow!”


MaybeSecondBestMan t1_j3rf1w8 wrote

Somewhere there’s a bodega owner looking at his watch and shaking his head.


Vegetable-Length-823 t1_j3rfn9i wrote

He was at work rat patrol


mari2289 t1_j3vbtfi wrote

Might even be the city's new rat czar.


Pandapopcorn t1_j3rdcwd wrote

Legit the city should be like Morocco and should have more cats to handle the rats.


Wowzlul t1_j3rgvfo wrote

There are already an insane number of cats in Brooklyn alone. Tons of them die on the street every year. Local TNR groups can't keep up.

I don't think more cats is the answer to the rat problem. The answer is better garbage disposal.


Pandapopcorn t1_j3rolma wrote

True. Garbage disposal is still stuck in the 60’s. In morocco the locals usually feed the cats and treat them with respect and the cats reciprocate by keeping the place clean.


MaybeSecondBestMan t1_j3s2otm wrote

Yeah unfortunately I think the hitch in your plan is that nobody in New York treats anything with respect.


paisleycatperson t1_j3rts89 wrote

Cats and rats both eat trash, that's why rich neighborhoods with street cleaners or people who are paid to containerize trash do not have feral cats. Cats don't actually hunt rats, either. A cat colony will passively deter rats, meaning, they will displace rats one house over, that's it, the real issue is trash.


FedishSwish t1_j3sffbx wrote

Cats are essentially an invasive species, and kill billions of birds each year. I'm not suggesting we go out and kill cats, but we also should absolutely be trying to reduce the number of outdoor cats (both feral and domesticated).


bats_inthe_attic t1_j3r112o wrote

Glad to hear it is going to vet. Looks like it needs some meds for the eyes maybe?


Enchanted-Gold t1_j3r8vih wrote

That poor baby. Your brother is an angel that earned big karma points for rescuing. There are many cat rescues in the city and boroughs if he needs help with bills or getting it adopted if he doesn’t want to keep it. They can be found through FB and Nextdoor cat lovers groups.


ExistentialSuffering OP t1_j3rzdgn wrote

Oh he’s keeping her if she isn’t chipped. Our whole family has only had pets that were strays or in other situations where they needed a home. I just had to put down my 15 year old dog, my dying neighbor asked me to take him when he was 7. This cat found the right people. We already love her.


Marcythoughts t1_j3s9tac wrote

Thank you for not looking the other way like most people do. This kitty got so lucky to have crossed paths with your brother and you! The world needs more people like you two 😻


ExistentialSuffering OP t1_j3t3cq2 wrote

You’re very kind. I think there are a lot of people like my brother in the world, the nasty people just get more press.


automatickat t1_j3trcxm wrote

The happy ending I needed today!! Your brother and family have big hearts! That bb is probably so thankful.


Enchanted-Gold t1_j3ttcdf wrote

I’m sorry about your pup, but so happy this poor little cat landed with the best family possible.


ExistentialSuffering OP t1_j3u4ywg wrote

Thank you. Dudley was my best friend. Then he became my daughter’s best friend/idol. He had capybara energy, not an aggressive bone in his body. I like to think he’s my childhood dog’s best friend now and with his first owner on the other side.


gobeklitepewasamall t1_j3u7klz wrote


I have an established protocol for these types of situations. Rookies go upstairs to quarantine.

I’m on my 5th &6th. First was twenty odd years ago. These ones are littermates, little michio pa here just got down from ontop of my head…

She’s obsessed with my hoodies cause they have drawstrings and they’re thick enough that she can use her claws to balance without killing me… And once she started going up on the tops of doors and whatnot, the only way I’d get her down is if I just stood there with my hood up and my arms bent for her to hop down onto.

My third just wandered in off the street when I was out on the stoop, kept coming back even in the winter. Fourth was a friends’, had her retirement here.


thefinalforest t1_j3w0a2s wrote

Bless! I’m so happy to hear this. What good people you are. All my cats are rescues too!


LittleKitty235 t1_j3r8809 wrote

The world needs more cat heroes like your brother.


patty_beats t1_j3rki0r wrote

Dude somebody abandoned a cat on the A train too the other day. My dad walked into work and it was chillin in a carrier in the tower. Needless to say my dad played with a cat before driving the train. Sounds like a good day to me


Wowzlul t1_j3rcf7c wrote

Oh the poor little guy looks like he's had a rough time. Hope he finds a good home.


sugakoo t1_j3rm8ns wrote

Poor thing :( must have been so scared


my_metrocard t1_j3r8fr9 wrote

Thank you for taking care of the kitty! Would love an update, hopefully a happy one.


Chromagits t1_j3s7kfi wrote

It’s so refreshing to hear that nobody was mistreating the cutie and kudos to your brother taking the cat in.


lucyisnotcool t1_j3rteu8 wrote

He's gonna be a handsome little dude when he cleans up! Those little ear-folds are super-cute.


zsreport t1_j3ros48 wrote

Poor little thing


MissFifi1097 t1_j3rozjj wrote

Thank you for helping the kitty ❤️


[deleted] t1_j3szifr wrote

I actually did the same thing with a bird a couple months ago and it died a couple hours later 😢


ExistentialSuffering OP t1_j3u5yug wrote

I found a sick pigeon once and took it to the bird sanctuary/rescue on the UWS. I called to check up on it the next day. It died. I felt better knowing that in its last moments it wasn’t alone, cold, or hungry. You did the right thing for that bird.


CaramelExtension1291 t1_j3t39lu wrote

Congrats to your brother! The cat distribution system has gifted him a lovely lil orange kitty!

Also highly likely it’s a male since almost all orange cats are.


enelrio t1_j3t5i1p wrote



ExistentialSuffering OP t1_j3u61uv wrote

My brother is gonna keep it if there’s no micro chip. He’s named it Emmy already.


wybird t1_j3s5kv4 wrote

I’ve known some old cats and that cat looks old. I’d be surprised it is was less than 15.


shannyncee t1_j3te5o1 wrote

Beautiful baby & you guys are great people! Looks like he/she may have a bit of an upper respiratory infection. Also may be geriatric. Please keep us updated! 😻😻😻😻


FormerKarmaKing t1_j3u2f7z wrote

Cat looks more Russian than your Adidas slides


Promoted_Account t1_j3u55ug wrote

It is orange and has an M on its head. That is pretty incredible if true.


cmcguire96 t1_j3tes14 wrote

My uncle found an abandoned pit bull mix at the Gun Hill depot, he took her home and she’s the best, he’s mad at me though because the dog follows me everywhere but ignores him if I’m around.


cha614 t1_j3ttx5z wrote

I have dickies socks also. Wearing them now


PrincessNC777 t1_j3u3gad wrote

I’m surprised they didn’t feed the cat baconeggandcheeseonaherowitheverything. It’s customary.


JunkGOZEHere t1_j3u3rg4 wrote

Cat looks rough like he's from the streets


Playful_Question538 t1_j3v2mew wrote

I'm not a cat guy but I'm glad that there are good people like you. What a good person. The world needs more people like you.


Sulohland t1_j3rh2f4 wrote

What a precious 🤭


jyar1811 t1_j3stool wrote

Clearly the cats name is M Train


iComeInPeices t1_j3t7ol2 wrote

Well this answers my questions about lost pets making it into Manhattan from other boroughs.


Vlannawanna t1_j3tix4s wrote

I love orange kitties. He's got great ear tufts too!


kaarvz t1_j3tlu7r wrote

please give us an update!!!


ooouroboros t1_j3ua35q wrote

It was probably abandoned but hopefully not and you can find the owner.


mniam_mniam t1_j3ubgqr wrote

Thank you and your brother for being kind. This kitty needs a caring soul 🥺


Sangye-C t1_j3ucu8f wrote

Op: MMMmmine 😈


QueenMaureen t1_j3udd8y wrote

Thank you for your kindness. 🐈🥰


UnderstandingUpper72 t1_j3ujdqz wrote

Hope this little guy is yours, seems like such a laid back animal.


StatisticallyToaster t1_j3ujt1v wrote

My cat was found on the F train before we adopted him! I almost didn't believe it.


RMR6789 t1_j3usjv7 wrote

❤️ this! Please keep us updated!


azninvasion2000 t1_j413wki wrote



ExistentialSuffering OP t1_j41w8td wrote

Emmy the cat is doing very well. No one has come forward as the owner. My brother is taking Emmy to the vet on Monday. My brother is keeping Emmy if no owner information is on her microchip (if Emmy has a microchip at all)


happybarfday t1_j3rv4vi wrote

My old apartment had that same tile...


gsbboston t1_j3ry7e1 wrote

The cat looks shit faced and it's near a toilet ?
