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OrangeSlimeSoda t1_j614nrx wrote

I'm not arguing that housing is a mandatory right, but the plan simply isn't feasible because of (1) physical issues (i.e. how the building is built - and don't even get me started on the personal safety problems that this would cause) and (2) legal issues. If the private sector doesn't want to cooperate, then providing housing at all is far more difficult. The City doesn't build housing, but provides incentives for private companies to do it.

The State allowed a tax bill that provided a temporary tax abatement (not tax forgiveness, but abatement) expire without a replacement in 2022. That will further compound the crisis.


brownredgreen t1_j615dx0 wrote

The City is capable of building housing tho, right? They have outsourced that to private companies via incentives, but they COULD right?

Trying to find a way for the Owning class to squeeze money out of.people trying to have a roof over their head, is gonna end badly for everyone except the property owners.

Doesn't seem like a good plan.


akmalhot t1_j61ovyz wrote

have you seen nycha housing and management?


parkerpyne t1_j61ikz0 wrote

>The City is capable of building housing tho, right? They have outsourced that to private companies via incentives, but they COULD right?

With what money? Neither municipal, nor state nor federal have any. The US at the federal level alone is approaching a trillion dollars in interest payments this year. It's the least productive way to spend money and yet, everyone constantly looks at the administrations to solve problems. Every time they do it, that slice gets bigger.


damnatio_memoriae t1_j62njzo wrote

yeah but the property owners are the ones dictating the plan so it doesn't matter if it's a good plan or not, it's the plan we're gonna get.