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The_CerealDefense t1_j5ljitd wrote

"married" you mean

>Former roommate Morey-Parker told the Daily Beast that Santos once “tried to get me to marry some Brazilian woman so she could get citizenship” — saying he could make money from the deal. The report did not elaborate on when that suggestion was made.

This is more interesting, basically we are all confirming his previous marriage was a citizenship scam (which isn't uncommon at all)


cC2Panda t1_j5ofai0 wrote

Scam marriages happen but I wouldn't call them common either. Even if you look at unidentified "government success" at Murdoch run outlets they claim at most around 25% which is a lot but I'd guess "government source" includes actual fraudsters like Paxton and Trump.

I'd guess those people are just assuming that all marriages that ends within 2 years of the green card being issued are fraud that's the only way to get numbers that high. It's worth noting that divorces of people with green cards via marriage are on par with regular old marriages up until 5-6 years then they have a significantly lower divorce rate than the general population.

Basically I'd say while sham marriages aren't rare they are what I'd consider uncommon since they tend to outlast non-greencard marriages overall.


wellthatkindofsucks t1_j5onupl wrote

Also it can take years for a person to be processed and accepted, and if you get divorced during that time you would have to start all over. Easier to just stay legally married until the process is completed, then separate.


ike1 t1_j5p8x2b wrote

Apparently it's more common in the Brazilian community.


bernardobrito t1_j5soorr wrote

> more common in the Brazilian community.

I know a dude who married a chick from Help.

Moved her to America. She popped out a kid, got her papers...and she was gone!


The_CerealDefense t1_j5psekg wrote

It’s big in the Brazilian community. This type of stuff would be fully expected. Both his marriage and trying to recruit others.


cC2Panda t1_j5pt3oz wrote

Since there is a hard cap per country for work based stuff I imagine it's worst for developing countries with the largest populations like Brazil, India, and China.


The_CerealDefense t1_j5ptv9e wrote

I don’t know if that’s the case, just that it’s a pretty prominent thing in the Brazilian community. It’s not NYC related though, NYC doesn’t have an over abundance of Brazilians here (documented or not)


Vegetable-Double t1_j5p1hm9 wrote

I know a couple people who had sham marriages, but the demographic that usually does them are rich enough to pay someone tens of thousands of dollars to go through with it. The ones I know are rich expats from other countries whose families are loaded.


[deleted] OP t1_j5m90d5 wrote



maverick4002 t1_j5mhc1z wrote

? How is marrying someone so they can get a greencard human trafficking? That's what the person wants!


marishtar t1_j5mndak wrote

No, it does not. It's usually the person on the other end of the arrangement trying to initiate it, even when it's not with a close friend. Still pretty dang illegal, though.


Jozif_Badmon t1_j5lpyem wrote

Literally the human never ending story


PZeroNero t1_j5m7349 wrote

Hope he gets sued by Lionel Hutz


anonyuser415 t1_j5n0pun wrote

I was just going through your garbage and I couldn't help overhearing that you need a congressman


RatInaMaze t1_j5odm9z wrote

Lionel Hutz? You mean George Santos?

burns papers in Simpson fireplace


Gimme_The_Loot t1_j5mxgak wrote

I'm waiting for the Netflix docuseries about this guy. Every episode is just going to be like "c'mon now no way THAT happened too?!?"


Chowbasa t1_j5n1f4q wrote

And next week - I never claimed to be gay, I said I was gay-ish…

If politicians could tell the truth that would be awesome.


sockalicious t1_j5n7m5x wrote

Santos is really turning into the most entertaining story of 2023. He's had a more interesting life than the next 20 people put together.


MrFrode t1_j5oc8lr wrote

I hear next season the plot lines in Santos for Congress get even more ridiculous.


relish5k t1_j5offtm wrote

It’s the gift that keeps on giving.


Unable-Ad3852 t1_j5lf356 wrote

Spicy 😂


_Im_A_Five_Star_Man_ t1_j5m9dxv wrote

God I hope the GOP never gets rid of him.

He's an unstoppable goose working overtime pooping out political satire golden eggs.

Congress was sworn in on January 7th. It has been 16 DAYS since the term started.

If they don't ever get rid of this guy, we're going to have a lifetime of hilarious content to work with.

George Santos / Anthony Devolder / Kitara Ravache 2024!


kinky_boots t1_j5makg1 wrote

GOP can’t handle the gays - see what happened to Cawthorn and why Lindsey Graham is still in the closet. I wonder how many Mooches Santos will last now that the truth is out, no pun intended.


ClearAsNight t1_j5mb03d wrote

Cawthorn would probably still be there if he hadn't outed the GOP eyes wide shut orgies and cocaine use.


_Im_A_Five_Star_Man_ t1_j5mbi6p wrote

Is Cawthorn actually gay?


totalyrespecatbleguy t1_j5ndr2h wrote

You saw that picture of him in drag? He’s absolutely 100% fabulous. He’s basically the dumb pretty boy/jock


maverick4002 t1_j5mh7np wrote

Madison Cawthorn is gay? Or are you talking about how he said they have orgies (was that him and was it gay orgies?)


basic_maddie t1_j5mrt6r wrote

A video surfaced of him “playing around” naked with other men. He’s at least bi.


UsaytomatoIsayFuckU t1_j5o6dh8 wrote

I prefer LG to stay deep in the closet, we queers don't want him associated with us.

I do hope he chokes to death on a cock though.


crowbahr t1_j5mz0a9 wrote

Remember that being comically absurd doesn't mean harmless.

Trump, despite being a walking TV Tropes page, was taken very seriously by his fans.

Yeah we got 4 Seasons Total Landscaping but we also had a legitimate coup attempt where they tried to assassinate the vice president to prevent an election being certified.

So like, yeah he's an absolutely absurd train wreck of a human being but he also walks the halls of power and lends his weight to fascists like Gaetz.


_Im_A_Five_Star_Man_ t1_j5o04uf wrote

Please explain what worries you about this man.


SWGTravel t1_j5o24sn wrote

His votes that will count.


_Im_A_Five_Star_Man_ t1_j5o87n4 wrote

So you're worried about the GOP, not this guy


JeffeBezos t1_j5p0scr wrote

Did you forget he's part of the GOP?


_Im_A_Five_Star_Man_ t1_j5pe7r9 wrote



JeffeBezos t1_j5q60rl wrote

Did you forget which party Santos ran under? He's part of the GOP.

Why do you like this scumbag?


[deleted] OP t1_j5qy1bn wrote



JeffeBezos t1_j5qybho wrote

I have the same question for you since you're going on about wUtS tHe BiG DeAL wiTh SaNtoS? wuT aRe U WoRRiED aBoUt?


crowbahr t1_j5oa13t wrote

  1. He has 0 compunctions about saying or doing anything to get what he wants

  2. The most heinous of acts require a shameless psychopath to perpetrate

The exact thing that makes him such a clown is what makes him dangerous. Historically fascists started the same way: laughed at and mocked for being so absurd.

I'm not saying he's guaranteed to be the next Hitler, I'm just saying that being a buffoon does not make someone harmless. Psychopaths are dangerous. Psychopaths in power doubly so.


FineAunts t1_j5mq8uv wrote

Last SNL cold open was pretty great. Great for their viewership


grubas t1_j5mj94j wrote

It's not spicy this is another thing the GOP is fine with. You can only cheat on your wife with a man after you are married!


edman007 t1_j5mqq1t wrote

But also sounds like he is the one doing citizenship scams that the GOP keeps talking about.


grubas t1_j5mz9ub wrote

Yeah but he's a citizen(allegedly) so it's perfectly OK to scam stupid, dumb, Mexicans. Yes I assume that they will call everybody from SA Mexican.


Unable-Ad3852 t1_j5mx7ei wrote

Sure it is. Reminds me of Nana and her Telenovela with Emanuel betraying Isaura for Fernando. Then the cartel showed up.


thebruns t1_j5lweqc wrote

This is sort of funny

>Pedro Vilarva confirmed to the outlet that Santos invited friends to celebrate their engagement in November of that year — even though he never accepted his proposal.

>However, the party “never happened” because Vilarva repeatedly rejected Santos’ proposals, he told the outlet.

I guess its true, better to ask for forgiveness...


41potatoes t1_j5o8f10 wrote

Santos also claimed he won the seat in 2020 before all the votes were counted and went to DC to attend all the new congressperson classes and events.

It’s like a George Constanza play.


Mechanical_Nightmare t1_j5lhsqs wrote

the conservatives melting down in the comments of the ny post article are absolutely hilarious


PlaneStill6 t1_j5m934o wrote

> the conservatives

They’re fascists.


ButteredBeans40 t1_j5mfgde wrote

Yes everything that doesn’t align with you is literal fascism. That’s exactly how the world works. Go touch grass.


monkeysandmicrowaves t1_j5mgr59 wrote

I know NY "conservatives". They don't give a fuck about conservative principles, they just want to have their way and think everyone else should also have their (the NY conservatives') way. They have no regard for any other cultures or ways of thinking, and would really prefer if they didn't exist at all. So yeah, "fascist" is a pretty good description of their world view.


ButteredBeans40 t1_j5mjc7u wrote

You, on the other hand, sound very tolerant….


[deleted] OP t1_j5mngfb wrote



circ_le_jerk_69 t1_j5mwpd4 wrote

I've never voted for a single Republican candidate in my life. I'll get that preamble out of the way. With that said, I'm a brown man who's been to Staten Island on several occasions and never experienced anything like this:

> They just say it out loud like it’s normal. They’re even cool with gay/trans people, but the second they see someone that isn’t white they get really angry for basically no reason.

I can't figure out if you're just making it up, or if you just happened to go to a Klan meeting in Staten Island.


[deleted] OP t1_j5n0r90 wrote



circ_le_jerk_69 t1_j5n0xyy wrote

> Also I love how you’re “brown” here, but 12 days ago you were Asian understand that there are about 2 billion brown people in Asia, right?

And no, I was never white.

> How do you live in the US, UK, Turkey, Russia, and China all at the same time?

Please tell me where I said that I live in all these countries.


[deleted] OP t1_j5n1sef wrote



circ_le_jerk_69 t1_j5n1wgi wrote

> you deleted all them

And you're lying.

> it doesn’t matter, i just took 20 bars of xanax

Well at least that explains things.


bagmert t1_j5n887y wrote

You can dial 988 for the suicide hotline if you need it.


JoyBus147 t1_j5p6nul wrote

We really pulling out a "so much for the tolerant left!" in the goddamn twenty-twenties? Embarrassing.


Very_Bad_Janet t1_j5qgcqo wrote

Please give us the highlights from the comments. (I don't want to click on the link and give RupertbMurdoch money.)


CaptAshley t1_j5lum5h wrote

Found another actual Groomer if Republicans are still pretending to give a shit..


Jintoboy t1_j5nfy9g wrote

Waiting for all the folks railing against groomers to show up and get this guy out of office ... surely they'll come right?


Konisforce t1_j5mimmk wrote

These are 100% just being generated by an AI at this point, right? They have to be.

Someone has "George Santos Lie Generator" magnets on their fridge.

This is just mad-libs at this point. (Lol. Mad Libs). It has to be.


bsanchey t1_j5m3d5f wrote

Now comes the part where we throw our heads back in laughter


Bwahahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


pompcaldor t1_j5lk1ir wrote

> Pedro Vilarva, who was 18 when he met the then-26-year-old future congressman in 2014

Ah, you can always count on the Post to spin everything in the “right” direction.


mowotlarx t1_j5lvwvv wrote

Some things can be technically legal but still morally and ethically wrong. I don't like the Post either, but this isn't a "spin." You should seriously question any 26 year old who dates or marries an 18 year old.


shutmywhoremouth t1_j5m06qr wrote

I think the Post has demonstrated that they are selective in which situations they call an 18 year old a teen, and in which ones they'll call them an adult. They are technically correct in either case, but it's hard to believe there isn't ideology behind their choices.


SSG_SSG_BloodMoon t1_j5nh1rf wrote

I've never met a gay man who agrees with your take, so in my mind it's more or less up to them to govern themselves. If we start seeing gay factions who agree with you then we can weigh in on which side we like


bezerker03 t1_j5mmjaf wrote

18 year olds are shipped off to war. Are they any less adult? Like I agree it's definitely a case of dude likesem young but straddled the legal line here but we have to draw the line of when you are an adult somewhere and 18 was the number. Yes. Right out of HS is an adult still. A naive one. But an adult.


mowotlarx t1_j5my5us wrote

So many people telling in themselves in this comment section. There's really something special about adults with life experience who want to date teenagers fresh out of school. BuT iTs TeChNiCaLLy LeGaL. Yea, and you're still a creep. It takes a special 24 year old, for example, who prefers the company of a teenager with no life experience to someone their own age.


IIAOPSW t1_j5mofk9 wrote

Why tho. Is 8 years always too much? How about 40 and 48? If the latter is not ok, why not? Why does it matter? If the latter is ok, at what age do we accept people can start dating 8 years older/younger if they want? Why do we put the line of adulthood at 18 if we're not going to actually accept the autonomy of 18 year olds when they make decisions we happen to disapprove of?


mowotlarx t1_j5mxzdr wrote

Man you're really telling on yourself.


IIAOPSW t1_j5nlbdi wrote

I'm not. I honestly have no horse in this race. I couldn't imagine caring all that much about the age, race, orientation, or anything else about consenting adults. Really curious to see if people can put into words exactly why they feel it's "wrong". Is there any argument to be made for why it's wrong that doesnt imply an 18 year old women doesn't truly have adult personal agency, for there are certain relationships to which they are incapable of consenting and must be a victim? And if we accept the premise of 18 not being the real adult personhood cutoff, at what age does it happen? Is 48 and 40 OK? How about 38 and 30? If the rule of judgment is different from the rule of law, then what exactly is this rule being used to judge for which you and so many others feel so strongly that you imagine it universally felt? I want an explanation that isn't just cheap shot implying that anyone who doesn't agree must be a pedo. That's lazy Qanon their bullshit. Answer the question. Why exactly is it morally apprehensive, in your view, for an 18 and 26 year old to be in a relationship?


richarizard t1_j5mtpcv wrote

Yeah, this seems like a big ol' "duh" to me. I'll take the hypothetical even further. What if an 18 year old and 48 year old are in a consensual relationship that isn't based on power or manipulation and isn't hurting anybody else? Why should anyone else care? People in general just seem to have a hard time letting other people do what makes them happy when they wouldn't do it themselves.


mowotlarx t1_j5my0mc wrote

/s? I hope?


richarizard t1_j5opica wrote

Please see u/IIAOPSW's previous reply to you. I'll repeat a variation of their question: why exactly is it morally reprehensible, in your view, for an 18 year old to be in a relationship with another older adult? Again, assume the relationship isn't based on power or manipulation or anything like that—just two people with an age gap who swiped right on Tinder and met up.


mowotlarx t1_j5oqx4n wrote

>assume the relationship isn't based on power or manipulation or anything like that

Lol so we're just playing make believe. 🚩🚩🚩


Zlec3 t1_j5m17el wrote

I’m 29 and dating a 23 year old. Am I a monster ? It’s the same age difference.


big90burban t1_j5m5pzy wrote

Pretty sure your mathing wrong... 26 - 18 = 8 & 29 - 23 = 6. And you'd only really be considered a monster if the individual your dating is under 18 (with a 6 year age difference), but if they're old enough to buy an alcoholic beverage, then who cares? And my wife is 8 years older than me, and she's not a monster, though I do joke quite frequently ,"Is she robbing the cradle or am I robbing the grave?"


mowotlarx t1_j5miikd wrote

You don't know the difference between dating an 18 year old teenager right out of highschool and someone past college age? 🚩


big90burban t1_j5mqsp4 wrote

Sorry, I was on the older side for highschool (September birthday). I graduated in '04 at 19 years old and went to community college for 2 years and then graduated from a university 4 years after that, so 6 years after highschool I graduated college. I'm not saying a highschool senior should date a college graduate by any means, especially since at those ages no one's got their shit together, and I'm sure it's not a healthy relationship. That being said, 6 or even 8 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things...


mowotlarx t1_j5mxtw5 wrote

...I beg you to recognize the difference between a 49 year old dating a 43 year old and a 24 year old dating an 18 year old. This is a lot of mental gymnastics to excuse an adult dating a teenager.


big90burban t1_j5n1xz4 wrote

I never said it's ok, as a matter of fact I specified that I don't believe a highschool senior should be dating a college graduate. I said 6 or 8 years is just a number, my wife and I are 8 years apart. We never even realize our age difference in daily life. At an older age, you have life experiences, what to do and not to do. At those ages, you don't necessarily have the mental wherewithal to make decisions that couples of older age posses.


mowotlarx t1_j5n76hr wrote

I'm talking about adults dating teenagers. Not age gaps between 30 year olds. If you met your wife when she was 18 and you were 26 (or visa versa), that's pretty gross though.


big90burban t1_j5oa6j7 wrote

Yes, it is abhorrent for an adult to date a teenager, not sure how many times I have to say it. All I am saying is in the grand scheme of life, 6 or 8 years is nothing, with the caveat that the two people are consenting adults. Yes, I was 26 when we met, she was 34. Hence my joke about craddle robbing vs grave robbing. And it's vice versa, not visa versa.


mowotlarx t1_j5ob3me wrote

You keep replying to comments about adults dating teenagers with your "age is just a number" comments and you're confused as to why you seem like a massive red flag? This story isn't about age gaps. It's about preying on teenagers. If you actually thought that was abhorrent you wouldn't be spending so much energy talking about your older wife.


big90burban t1_j5obn8u wrote

I keep replying about age is just a number because that's all I'm talking about. I don't need to talk about Santos or adults dating children because that's not something that needs to be discussed because it's already bad and has been stated over and over. I'm not disagreeing with you or fighting with you, never was. I keep referring to my wife as an example of an 8 year age gap in a healthy functioning relationship.


jagenigma t1_j5m9x02 wrote

This guy is what everyone thought about Republicans come to light. This is the true representation of them


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j5my6hl wrote

It's amazing. If you're a private citizen and you lie, cheat and steal this much, and it's on the news for weeks, you're already in jail.

Get elected and they won't do a god damned thing about it. Hurry up you dickheads, give this chucklefuck a security clearance too.


dr_feelz t1_j5priot wrote

Uhhh… private citizens don’t go to jail for lying, and the news sure as shit doesn’t care. When was the last time you saw a scandal about some random Chad lying on his resume? Or lying about his sexuality or literally anything? Why would anyone care?


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j5q9xfa wrote

Uhhh, did you stop read at "lying"?

I know, holding 3 different words in your head is hard.


dr_feelz t1_j5qle6h wrote

What do you think a private citizen would be in jail for? I’m not intentionally following the story but haven’t heard about him stealing anything.


GrreggWithTwoRs t1_j5xex7o wrote

im not sure of the details but there's accusations he's involved in various big money scams


dr_feelz t1_j60n8tj wrote

Yeah so fuck him I hope he is prosecuted but I don’t think private citizens are out there being jailed for campaign finance fraud accusations all the time.


Yonder_Zach t1_j5p4qj2 wrote

When youre a republican the criminality is the point. They are not a legitimate political party, they are a terrorist organization out to undermine our country and grift whoever they can in the process.


nim_opet t1_j5llicd wrote

Oh well, put him on Judiciary committee then! He’s clearly well qualified!


EWC_2015 t1_j5mphgd wrote

Out of all the (many, MANY) things to roast this shit sandwich on, the GOP is still leaning heavily into the "he's a gay who's done drag" line of attack.

This dude defrauded a GoFundMe for a guy's SICK DOG, WHICH THEN DIED, but yes, the gay+drag thing is definitely worse.


SWGTravel t1_j5o29d2 wrote

It's just funny because supposedly "conservatives" care SO MUCH about gays and drag queen happy hours, until it's one of their own, and then they don't give a shit.


The_Pirate_Witch t1_j5m5ohi wrote

I'm surprised not a single person did a background check on this guy before the election. Imma run for president and claim to be a lawyer from NYC with a perfect record named Jack Calloway or Vinnie to my friends


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j5mb8t9 wrote

He's really like a politician in a grand theft game


bigdirty702 t1_j5m1vz3 wrote

His personal life doesn’t interest me. He can see who he wants and dress however he wants. What bothers me is does he have the credentials he says he does and why didn’t his party properly vet him.


unicornmullet t1_j5mpi54 wrote

“Morey-Parker, meanwhile, told the Daily Beast that the pol stole from him a scarf that a pal gave him after he “had tried to kill myself.”

“Watching him wear that scarf that means quite a lot to me just pisses me the f–k off,” he said.”

^ What a bizarre detail to include in this article. So Santos stole the scarf and now wears it publicly?


Leadhead87 t1_j5mzqxz wrote

Long islanders will vote for anything with a heartbeat, as long as the candidate says 'lower taxes.' Who they REALLY are is irrelevant.


TrustButVerifyFirst t1_j5lv1mk wrote

It doesn't matter what Santos does evidenced by not seeing unanimous refusal by all members of congress of him being seated.


johnniewelker t1_j5mc7j6 wrote

The gift that keeps on giving… this guy so bad news. I hope he doesn’t something so stupid that puts the country in jeopardy


WeCanDoThisCNJ t1_j5mhx21 wrote

I hope he does so we can use it to round up all republicans as criminals.


oreosfly t1_j5mk4pv wrote

We should reimplement the crime rule, but with an addendum: Crime posts go to the crime megathread, George Santos posts go to r/nottheonion



stork38 t1_j5mk7sn wrote

A dishonest politician? My heavens!


lurkzaddy t1_j5mymim wrote

This guy is like a bizarro Forrest Gump


cabose7 t1_j5plb0r wrote

The Post must be having an existential crisis over loving these headlines while also wanting him to never resign so they can keep writing these insane stories.


AutoModerator t1_j5lejyu wrote

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DM725 t1_j5mwjdv wrote

This is really heating up.


4321_meded t1_j5n0xqu wrote

Has anyone considered that George Santos is not even … a human?! Perhaps an alien masquerading as a human? But with very poor intel or just an inability to keep his cover story straight ?


Own_Decision_4063 t1_j5n1jeu wrote

He's the gift that keeps on giving and so crazy even for a politician. Needs to resign and get help, seriously.


DepthByChocolate t1_j5n87b3 wrote

How did the Dems not shred this guy into obscurity before the election?


Nathaniel82A t1_j5nc9mf wrote

He’s the gift that keeps on giving..

They can’t even made a docuseries on this guy because they don’t know what else is going to come out and throw off the timeline. I just hope this keeps going for a while because we need this much comic relief after the last few years.


wxl200 t1_j5o3gj2 wrote

So politicians can't get fired?


ThatChemist t1_j5ohtj9 wrote

This was hinted at in a NYT article on him where his former neighbor was introduced to the wife, but said Santos introduced her as a "friend". Knowing that he's gay, this marriage really seemed like a citizenship scam he made money off.


v_for__vegeta t1_j5owusy wrote

Lol at people shouting tribalist bullshit. If you think these kinds of degenerates don’t exist on both “sides”, you’re severely out of touch with reality.


FrankieTheAlchemist t1_j5p6cpn wrote

Ya know, I used to believe that it was the quality of the lie that determined if it would work. However, after learning that it was quantity that was most effective, I turned that knowledge into a skill set that not only made me the youngest woman to ever win 3 Nobel prizes in a row for contributions to physics; it also catapulted my career as the most influential business person on the planet and served as the stepping stone to my recent successful colonization of Venus via floating cloud city!


luckylebron t1_j5pkbxj wrote

At this point, shouldn't there be George Santos subreddit with daily updates?


prem0000 t1_j5pr0gc wrote

this guy is only 34 ???????? He gives off such strong old pedo uncle vibes


hawkeyebullz t1_j5u1u79 wrote

How is this guy not a Democrat? Pretty sure we found the mole


kingcreamEAT t1_j5lztms wrote

I feel like he just browsed /b/ exclusively and adapts the trolling/tism to real life


kryts t1_j5ms7qw wrote

He is truly the gift that keep on giving.


BrooklynParanormal t1_j5nicxr wrote

Democrats see that as a positive.


ineededanameagain t1_j5ojwj5 wrote

My guy really saw a problematic issue for a Republican rep and attacked Dems instead lmao. Gotta appreciate the contortion.


BrooklynParanormal t1_j5s85gp wrote

So you deny democrats are for gay marriage and republicans are against it? Why should I bother with an insane person?


ineededanameagain t1_j5xcnbw wrote

What does being pro gay marriage have to do with this lmfao? Also, there’s a large swath of Republicans pro gay marriage.

Really telling that you think this is some gotcha point. There’s a reason I didn’t reply, cause it’s such a nonsensical response that didn’t warrant an initial response to. You’re either the biggest moron on here or just trolling, either way I’m wasting my time. 😂


[deleted] OP t1_j5ljip6 wrote



George4Mayor86 t1_j5lnwi0 wrote

He represents part of Queens. This Republican fraud (but I repeat myself) is NYC news.


Grass8989 t1_j5looki wrote

A tiny sliver of queens. He’s also universally hated by democrats and (most) republicans. Even Fox News hates him.


George4Mayor86 t1_j5lplgm wrote

Not by Republican leadership though - they just put him on the science committee.


Grass8989 t1_j5lqg5h wrote

Didn’t the Long Island GOP call for him to resign? Yea maybe Margory Taylor Green thinks he’s a great guy but most dont.


George4Mayor86 t1_j5lqtcg wrote

Doesn’t matter, it’s Republican House leadership that makes the calls and they’re all for him.


Grass8989 t1_j5lso2r wrote

And the Republican house leadership is not based in New York City. This should probably be discussed in r/politics


George4Mayor86 t1_j5lt1ja wrote

It’s ultimately the idiots of eastern queens and long island who need to be informed what a fraud this guy is so they can make a better choice next time.


Grass8989 t1_j5lt9t1 wrote

They’re very well aware and most want him to resign. I also don’t think they’re looking at the nyc subreddit and basing their opinion of posts here. You’re “preaching to the choir”.


George4Mayor86 t1_j5ltuep wrote

Oh, there are plenty of Long Islanders here. Just look for them in the next “speed cameras are oppressing me” thread.


Grass8989 t1_j5lvy3o wrote

And you think that if they’re still “for” George Santos at the point, a post like this will change their mind?


George4Mayor86 t1_j5m8j1v wrote

I think repeatedly confronting them with just how fucking stupid their choice was is good, yes.


[deleted] OP t1_j5lrzb3 wrote

Legitimately looking for some input here:

Why is a 'megathread' necessary for George Santos when the topic itself gets relatively few posts? For example, there has only been 1 other post about George Santos in the last 3 days that is still up. That post has only managed to gain around +10 upvotes and 2 comments in the 15 hours it has been up. Outside of that post and this post, the last George Santos-related post which is still up on the subreddit is from last Friday.

Even in /r/LongIsland's Week 4 George Santos 'megathread', there have only been ~50 comments, while the post itself has been up for 11 days (and pinned to the top of the 130,000 member subreddit for 7, I assume), which, when factoring in the number of recent George Santos posts from this subreddit, shows that there isn't really enough for a megathread, in my opinion.

Also, when the topic of crime posts was a big issue in this subreddit, particularly near the election, why were you a large and vocal advocate against creating one? To me, your argument back then was that "there simply isn't [wasn't] enough crime posts to warrant a crime megathread'. Personally, I was also against the crime megathread, but I don't understand your position on why you believe a George Santos is necessary, even though there have been even fewer posts related to him than there were related to crime back when you argued that there "weren't enough posts to warrant a crime megathread".

Again, I'm not trying to start anything here. Rather, I'm trying to understand your position (and anyone else who feels who has a similar position - feel free to jump in here too) on the megathread issue, which I know is rather controversial here considering the survey post alone which you commented in got 100+ comments. Maybe you and others who feel a similar way can help me in realizing what I might be missing here in your position on the topic.


sneakpeekbot t1_j5ls0l1 wrote


Grass8989 t1_j5lvgka wrote

There were days in last week where there were 5+ posts a day about him and they all stayed up. There are 3 so far today. It is almost universally agreed that he’s a lunatic and shouldn’t be in office. r/longisland was inundated with posts and felt this was the best way to handle it. The mods created a “crime megathread” for WAY less posts, so it would make sense for there to be one on this topic as well.


[deleted] OP t1_j5lwsg8 wrote

>There are 3 so far today

One of those posts is the one I mentioned with barely any activity and another is, ironically, from you which you posted after this post

>The mods created a “crime megathread” for WAY less posts

I see where you're coming from with this, but I think it would be a little bit of a stretch to call it "way less posts". The amount of posts themselves are relatively the same, with their being possibly slight more George Santos-related posts.

However, the crime posts, while there were probably fewer of them, consistently reached the front page of this subreddit during 'the election season', with most having dozens, if not over a hundred comments and upvotes, so I think it's fair to say that the crime posts had more engagement then than the George Santos-related posts do now.


Grass8989 t1_j5lyc74 wrote

I mean they gain a lot of traction and get a lot of comments because quality of life issues and crime directly effect people that live here. If people didn’t care they wouldn’t comment.