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SolitaryMarmot t1_j5jtlrh wrote

Good luck. The vans who hit people and drive off usually get away with it. I don't know how much a new dog costs nowadays but it seems like getting damages from this dope is unlikely.


k1lk1 t1_j5k658d wrote

> The penalty in New York for hitting a dog with a car and not reporting it has a maximum fine of $100 for the first offense.

Driving through a red light, with pedestrians or dogs in the crossing, even if you end up not hitting them, should be $5000 and loss of license for 30 days.


Alert_Engineering_70 t1_j5kjrsq wrote

Had a friend victim of hit and run by an Uber on Center Street. A year of surgeries and hospitalizations. Police gave zero fucks and advised to hire private investigators to see if any businesses had security footage .


heresmyusername t1_j5lawmh wrote

Almost happened to me and my 5 pound dog yesterday in Ridgewood. Had clear right of way at a stop sign when a pickup zooms through behind the car ahead.

When I screamed at the dude (giant pickup with a busted driver's side mirror) "SO YOU'RE JUST GONNA DRIVE RIGHT THROUGH WITH ME AND THE DOG HALFWAY IN THE STREET?"

He fucking says to me through his cracked window "HELL YEAH I AM." Hope he dies slow.


myassholealt t1_j5lh11i wrote

If someone is making $15K how the fuck they driving a car? How are they paying for gas and groceries?

Also, running a red light is stupid. Until the penalties are severe enough, people will continue to do it cause it's convenient to them, fuck everyone else.


candidshark t1_j5lh6wo wrote

The video footage is infuriating. I've heard of people's dogs getting hit by cars when the dogs are on a loose leash, but the dog was by her side and the truck would have hit her if she didn't see the dog get hit. Dangerous driver.


bittoxic00 t1_j5lpwkt wrote

They got the plate in the previous post, I’m assuming nypd was no help.


ClarkFable t1_j5mgria wrote

Funny, here I was thinking I was advocating against unreasonable fines that will disproportionately bankrupt poor individuals. You want index the fine so it is 2.5% of net income, I’m all for it. People making a mil net can pay $25k.


Alert_Engineering_70 t1_j5mign4 wrote

So true. Fucked up for over a year. Lost job. Painful surgeries, nasty infections, loss of mobility will never be able to do the same stuff again. Was fucked up to see the constant pain and suffering. I kept thinking somewhere is a piece of shit Uber driver who ran someone over, condemned them to a year of suffering and they are getting away Scott free. I was shocked about how the police didn't even do a fucking thing . When the detective said to hire a private investigator I was floored. I also couldn't help thinking if that was Cuomo's daughter (or insert anyone famous here) how no resource would be spared to catch the perp. They did tell us, well if you were killed then we would do a full investigation. Not kidding. But I'm naive , I had no idea that the resources dedicated to something is totally political . Just to add, I have 2 dogs and would be devastated if some idiot in a car/truck kill them, so condolences. The bigger point is the city doesn't car if s person is hit, so a dog is really down the list


AceContinuum t1_j5mpwce wrote

I'm so glad PIX11 picked up on the tip that u/vbrooks88 filed at our sub's recommendation.

Hopefully the attention this piece gets will shake some leads loose, and/or motivate NYPD to actually do something. As u/candidshark says, that video footage is absolutely infuriating.


kent2441 t1_j5n5bei wrote

People who are actually at risk of being victims of crime are actually not in favor of crime. Maybe leave your sheltered neighborhood once in a while, or maybe just leave Bernie Bro Twitter.


red__what t1_j5noos0 wrote

From a pedestrian safety standpoint - If it's dark and raining, it's extremely difficult to see pedestrians, especially if they are wearing darker colors.

If the vehicle. windows are tinted, it's nigh impossible.

Edit : The dumb@sses downvoting as if I'm defending the driver instead of asking y'all to be safe. 😂


_Maxolotl t1_j5okpa1 wrote

yet another headline blaming the machine that killed something instead of the person driving the machine.


I_AM_TARA t1_j5ot4w9 wrote

Which is why a efficient public transportation should be universal. However public transportation in the US routinely has funding cut in favor of the convenience of wealthy drivers.

Heck off with your concern trolling.


InfernalTest t1_j5pgrdw wrote

you know i have been saying this for years -

i dont understand people getting on bikes or running at NIGHT and wearing black or dark clothing - you cannot be seen well and thats in CLEAR weather ...let alone in something like rain which makes you all but invisible beyond 20 feet ....

its like begging for a darwin award...


dropdeadidiot t1_j5pqrqw wrote

Definitely too high, especially when police officers have the ability to write tickets with impunity. You're basically giving them a license to ruin most people's lives financially. Unless the victim has a PBA card


Most-North-3789 t1_j5q4v94 wrote

Left hand turns are freaking terrifying. The turn on 28th and 11th Ave is just like this, cars turn so hard and fast onto 28th and don't slow down. After a few close calls I now wait until the coast is clear or I cross against the light, traffic is lighter coming down 28th. Still have to watch out for all the motorized bikes and scooters going through the light from 11th Ave though. I hate NY.