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citydudeatnight t1_j3zmrde wrote

When the Atlanta shootings occurred, many of the All Lives Matter folks attacked the asian victims for being possible prostitutes and hosting brothels while at the same time the sheriff dismissed the situation as the shooter having a bad day. The statements were there to vindicate themselves in some fashion and it was sad to see. I'm not anti-white. I'm absolutely disgustedand horrified by people and cowards who hide behind keyboards to discredit or ignore victims to elevate their own racial tribe as if the entire race asked them to do it.


Imaginary-Bread1829 t1_j42mmrm wrote

People honestly take race crimes almost as if it’s a personal attack if the perp is the same race as them. It’s like they’re afraid of being generalized so in return they generalize. The comment above articulated it perfectly & you provided a great example; why is it so hard to detach from news stories, not make it about themselves, to focus on the victim? It’s like these stories only create more racism, instead of awareness