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Darrkman t1_j40u7qm wrote

So after 14 hours this Asian hate post only has 191 up votes and 93 comments.

Hmmmm that's very different from how these posts usually go on here. I wonder what could be different? I can't QWHITE put my finger on it. The difference is QWHITE interesting.


567Antonio t1_j431c2u wrote

Here's probably why -

> The data indicate just how misleading the narrative of white-on-Asian violence really is. While black perpetrators account for 27.5 percent of violent attacks against Asians, Asians commit less than 0.1 percent of violent attacks against blacks, indicating little role for proximity. Most violent attacks against individuals of a particular racial group are committed by other members of that group—except for Asians, where a plurality is committed by blacks. In fact, blacks are responsible for 305 percent more violent crime against Asians than neighborhood demographics would predict, while whites and Hispanics commit significantly fewer attacks against Asians than would be expected.


Darrkman t1_j43isi1 wrote

Ahhhh City Journal. Why do you dudes on here always try to come at me with City Journal like I don't know it's published by the Manhattan Institute.

You remember the conservative Manhattan Institute. Where one of their senior members said this....

Mac Donald has controversially argued that the consequences of this trend adversely affect African-American communities, stating that "there is no government agency **more dedicated to the idea that black lives matter than the police".[**47][48]

Give me a fucking break.


567Antonio t1_j43kd9h wrote

Then point out exactly where the info is wrong rather than throwing a tantrum. Let's talk numbers.

Give me a fucking break.


Darrkman t1_j43owxt wrote

It's not a matter of throwing a tantrum and the fact that you're trying to say I am after you've posted the same thing six times in this thread tells me less that you want to have a discussion and more that you want to just try to talk shit. No matter what you try to say the source matters and you're asking me to take the Manhattan Institute seriously when they're the same group of people who will tell you that the Ferguson effect is real and that the group that cares the most that black lives matter are cops.

With that being said I've already seen you change your answer when people called out the numbers. When you look at a national set of numbers the majority of people who have harassed Asians have been white people but then you stop saying it's about the numbers and then you start talking about it's their percentages. You're acting like I haven't seen that kind of disingenuous BS before in here and that's the part I find hilarious.


567Antonio t1_j43pexo wrote

> after you've posted the same thing six times in this thread

Because racists in this thread are trying to hide the numbers and blame whites. If people like you would stop hiding the truth, I can stop posting.

> when people called out the numbers.

Where did people point out the numbers?

> the majority of people who have harassed Asians have been white people

Because whites are 75% of the population. But on a per capita basis, blacks are 300% more likely to commit violent crimes against asians.

The raw data set dating from 2018 is right there.

Feel free to refute instead of throwing unproductive, subjective tantrums.


spicytoastaficionado t1_j4437ra wrote

The stats they present are accurate.

Instead of whining about the source that published independent stats, feel free to dispute the data.

And I mean the data regarding violent crime specifically.


Darrkman t1_j462eix wrote

> The stats they present are accurate.

Nah they're not. Cause what the article is trying to do is shift the narrative to Black people by looking at likely instead of WHO IS ACTUALLY attacking Asian......that's white people.

Not once does that article present ACTUAL NUMBERS and that is deliberate. Percentages without the hard numbers behind them are ALWAYS misleading. I've seen people post articles in here claiming a certain crime jumped 70% but that translated to all of 3 more incidents.