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567Antonio t1_j412vu9 wrote

Because one race IS significantly more to commit racist crimes against asians, whether you like it or not.

Here's the data -

Let's see how you try to spin and hide facts, since you people don't think of Asians as worthy of being defended.

> The data indicate just how misleading the narrative of white-on-Asian violence really is. While black perpetrators account for 27.5 percent of violent attacks against Asians, Asians commit less than 0.1 percent of violent attacks against blacks, indicating little role for proximity. Most violent attacks against individuals of a particular racial group are committed by other members of that group—except for Asians, where a plurality is committed by blacks. In fact, blacks are responsible for 305 percent more violent crime against Asians than neighborhood demographics would predict, while whites and Hispanics commit significantly fewer attacks against Asians than would be expected.


[deleted] OP t1_j42u9ch wrote



567Antonio t1_j432rh1 wrote

> Except that you’re wrong and the vast majority of anti Asian acts nationwide is committed by white Americans.

On per capita basis, blacks are more than 300% likely to commit hate crimes against Asians, despite you trying to hide that fact.

And of course, here's the data again that you conveniently ignore -

Let's see how you try to spin and hide facts, since you people don't think of Asians as worthy of being defended.

> The data indicate just how misleading the narrative of white-on-Asian violence really is. While black perpetrators account for 27.5 percent of violent attacks against Asians, Asians commit less than 0.1 percent of violent attacks against blacks, indicating little role for proximity. Most violent attacks against individuals of a particular racial group are committed by other members of that group—except for Asians, where a plurality is committed by blacks. In fact, blacks are responsible for 305 percent more violent crime against Asians than neighborhood demographics would predict, while whites and Hispanics commit significantly fewer attacks against Asians than would be expected.


Gb_packers973 t1_j43x819 wrote

To be fair - the combine verbal and physical assaults into one, and they rely on the reporting frequency of the perpetrators race.

When the article doesnt mention race, it doesnt get included in the data set.

Quite frankly no one would bat an eye if every asian attack in the city was kept verbal.

The multiple curb stomping of asian seniors and women is not really found amongst other demographics in the city.


Yonder_Zach t1_j42rz9u wrote

Interesting and which race is that? And do you have any data or just a feeling ?


567Antonio t1_j430zdc wrote

Here's the data -

Let's see how you try to spin and hide facts, since you people don't think of Asians as worthy of being defended.

> The data indicate just how misleading the narrative of white-on-Asian violence really is. While black perpetrators account for 27.5 percent of violent attacks against Asians, Asians commit less than 0.1 percent of violent attacks against blacks, indicating little role for proximity. Most violent attacks against individuals of a particular racial group are committed by other members of that group—except for Asians, where a plurality is committed by blacks. In fact, blacks are responsible for 305 percent more violent crime against Asians than neighborhood demographics would predict, while whites and Hispanics commit significantly fewer attacks against Asians than would be expected.


Yonder_Zach t1_j438pou wrote

Literally no one is saying asians arent worthy of being defended. So often these sorts of stories are totally blown out of proportion and capitalized upon by conservatives and/or racists trying to rile people up. The link you posted is interesting if true- unfortunately articles published by right wing think tanks are rarely accurate.


567Antonio t1_j43kah8 wrote

Right wing think tanks are absolute garbage.

But that doesn't mean far lefties can also be absolute garbage.


Yonder_Zach t1_j43znnb wrote

Yeah sure but theres basically no far left in this country at all, let alone far left think tanks influencing policy and manipulating huge swaths of the country. There are however well funded and well coordinated far right organizations doing all of those things at an unprecedented scale.


Darrkman t1_j462smk wrote

Here is something to keep in mind when dudes like this post these articles.

Always question why an article will post a percentage but won't show you the ACTUAL numbers. It's easy to use percentages only to push a narrative.....its a lot harder when you have the numbers that go with it.

Finally also remember that City Journal is published by the Manhattan Institute a very conservative think tank that once said that the group that cares the most about Black lives mattering were the POLICE.

It's amazingly convenient that an article will say Black people make up 25% of incidents with Asians but SOMEHOW doesn't tell you the make up of that remaining 75%. I WONDER WHY????


567Antonio t1_j47ff92 wrote

Raw data set they used is right here from the government - with over 180,000 violent attacks on Asians on record.

It doesn't matter who published it, the fact of the matter is the data shows blacks are 300% more likely to commit violent crimes against Asians.

> It's amazingly convenient that an article will say Black people make up 25% of incidents

It's 27.5% actually. And since we're talking about hate crimes, it excludes asian on asian violence.

Why are you trying to hide hate crimes. You're exactly the same as white trumpers who claim racism doesn't exist.

Dr Martin Luther King Jr said ""Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

Just because the data discomforts you doesn't mean you should hide it. He'd be ashamed of you right now.


Rottimer t1_j415e9x wrote

It doesn’t matter if that’s true. The comments imply that the race is the problem when it’s very obvious that the vast majority of that race has never committed a crime. Painting an entire race as criminal is in fact racist.


567Antonio t1_j415qma wrote

Pointing out that violent racist crime is disappropriately done by one race relative to their population is facts, not racism.

Which means relative to other races in New York, they have more racists, and therefore are more racist per capita, which is another fact and simple statistics. Just like we can say Trumpers are racist too.

Feel free to point out anything wrong.


Rottimer t1_j417v7t wrote

And once again - someone pushing racial division proves that they have piss poor basic math skills.


567Antonio t1_j431ml2 wrote

And of course, here's the data again that you conveniently ignore -

Let's see how you try to spin and hide facts, since you people don't think of Asians as worthy of being defended.

> The data indicate just how misleading the narrative of white-on-Asian violence really is. While black perpetrators account for 27.5 percent of violent attacks against Asians, Asians commit less than 0.1 percent of violent attacks against blacks, indicating little role for proximity. Most violent attacks against individuals of a particular racial group are committed by other members of that group—except for Asians, where a plurality is committed by blacks. In fact, blacks are responsible for 305 percent more violent crime against Asians than neighborhood demographics would predict, while whites and Hispanics commit significantly fewer attacks against Asians than would be expected.


567Antonio t1_j419x2k wrote

Since you're reduced to childish tantrums and name calling, and ranting in a corner all by yourself, I guess we're done here.

People like you who try to silence others fighting back against hate are the same as racists. Usually racists themselves.


Unusual-Solid3435 t1_j41kck6 wrote

Do you even live in NYC? How is this what brings you out of hiding and into the frying pan?

Edit: nice tactic of asking me a question and then blocking me


567Antonio t1_j42b19k wrote

You have a problem with arguing against someone who would rather hide and silence racist hate crimes? That what brings you out of hiding and into the frying pan?


Saladcitypig t1_j436s47 wrote

I wonder what other things might be linking a ton of these attackers… it might be poverty and untreated mental illness. But you know, keep pretending you’re telling facts, like Fox News.


567Antonio t1_j4370yk wrote

Because one race IS significantly more likely to commit racist crimes against asians, whether you like it or not.

Here's the data -

> The data indicate just how misleading the narrative of white-on-Asian violence really is. While black perpetrators account for 27.5 percent of violent attacks against Asians, Asians commit less than 0.1 percent of violent attacks against blacks, indicating little role for proximity. Most violent attacks against individuals of a particular racial group are committed by other members of that group—except for Asians, where a plurality is committed by blacks. In fact, blacks are responsible for 305 percent more violent crime against Asians than neighborhood demographics would predict, while whites and Hispanics commit significantly fewer attacks against Asians than would be expected.