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567Antonio t1_j47ff92 wrote

Raw data set they used is right here from the government - with over 180,000 violent attacks on Asians on record.

It doesn't matter who published it, the fact of the matter is the data shows blacks are 300% more likely to commit violent crimes against Asians.

> It's amazingly convenient that an article will say Black people make up 25% of incidents

It's 27.5% actually. And since we're talking about hate crimes, it excludes asian on asian violence.

Why are you trying to hide hate crimes. You're exactly the same as white trumpers who claim racism doesn't exist.

Dr Martin Luther King Jr said ""Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

Just because the data discomforts you doesn't mean you should hide it. He'd be ashamed of you right now.