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TeamMisha t1_j6l24kg wrote

For MTA operated bridges and tunnels it funds their operational budget. The Operating budget is what keeps the lights on, the trains and buses running, the bridges in stable condition, and the staff employed. 12% of the MTA is funded by tolls. You can read more about it here:

12% is significant considering just twice that amount is what they get from fare revenue. To not toll the crossings would be a disaster.


sahmadeit t1_j6la225 wrote

I hear you, 12% is reported in the books but who knows what the actual number REALLY is? There’s multiple instances of fraud within the MTA system.

Here’s something to entertain your brain

There’s more to everything. Always is when taxpayer money is involved.


TeamMisha t1_j6lqyay wrote

I don't believe labor inefficiency is a reason to ignore blatant crime. Accountability is a separate issue for another thread. If you argument is well the MTA commits fraud itself therefore stealing from the tolls is justified, gonna have to disagree on that 1