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Calfis t1_j437yph wrote

Is there any risk to buying from the unlicensed stores popping up all over? There are a few in midtown west and they all seem to be selling the same stuff.


Siigmaa t1_j49l8mv wrote

I saw a pretty cool marijuana...membership club?? in williamsburg a couple weeks ago.
Apparently you sign up for a monthly membership and that is some sort of work around to purchasing.
Pretty cool, felt very professional, welcoming, and safe.

All the weed was way too potent for my lightweight ass though


16semesters t1_j44d6po wrote

The risk is it's not real weed and you're wasting your money.

Vegas has the same thing happen. Weed is legal, but dispensaries have to be a certain distance from casinos. So these "weed" stores open next to casinos to try to get tourists who don't know the laws to come in. It's all fake.

At best you're getting that weird ass delta-9 thc, at worse you're getting nothing.


SirJoeffer t1_j44h3of wrote

Actually at worst you’re getting nothing, but at best you’re getting much better weed than whatever is at the only legal dispensary for significantly cheaper.

Smoke shops all over the city are selling real weed. Might not be ‘legal’ but it’s pretty easy to tell.


Lau_lau t1_j4556fp wrote

This is so false lmfaoooo


16semesters t1_j455ry5 wrote

What part is false?

The places on freemont street in vegas literally can't sell weed. It's illegal.

And for NYC at the non-legit spots, you don't know what you're getting.

No part of that is false at all.