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ICantThinkOfANameBud t1_j6fgeso wrote

Perhaps it's different because I've only ever been to Canada and Mexico as far as international travel goes, but I've just never thought about it. I've always used the wifi at the hotel or restaurant to get what internet I need, and had numbers or whatever saved for whatever else I needed.


OverlordXenu t1_j6fo671 wrote

you didn't need directions or a map? i've been in nyc for years and i still need something like the maps app or citymapper to get around to places i don't go to regularily, though i have a bad sense of direction. before phones were common i used the maps, talked to people in info booths, and talked to strangers. got lost occasionally. never get lost when using my phone for directions. i wouldn't go back, personally, i'd spend the $50 on a SIM.