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Carmilla31 t1_j47dblt wrote

Not looking forward to catching covid for the third time but oh well.


brownredgreen t1_j47s1zh wrote

Yay defeatism!



MysteryNeighbor t1_j48ctd6 wrote

The fuck can he even do? (Even when taking proper steps to protect himself)

No one wears mask anymore and wearing N95s constantly doesn’t guarantee not catching it if you live with other people, especially kids who go to schools who have zero interest in preventing the spread.

Unless you have the luxury of living by yourself and completely isolating, you will catch this shit eventually.

That is not defeatism, that is fact


cupcake_not_muffin t1_j49pjam wrote

Your issue is that it’s not about whether or not you get COVID. It’s about reducing the number of times you get COVID. It’s very clear that getting COVID 4+ times creates serious organ damage and the less times you get infected, the better health you have. It’s not an all or nothing debate like you’re trying to make.


MysteryNeighbor t1_j49qpr3 wrote

I am in no way making this an “all or nothing” thing. Use the best quality of mask, stay up to date with vaccination, try as hard as you can to maintain a safe distance but accept that you can get COVID anyway.

I have done and continue to do all of that shit yet got COVID from my kid sister in October because her school just lets everyone roam maskless and be right next to each other.

In short, do what you can to avoid infection but society is currently in a place that runs directly counter to those preparations.

It shouldn’t fucking be this way but our government (both this administration and the former one) is willing to throw it’s citizenry under the bus to appease those who can’t stand to wear a cloth over their face


cupcake_not_muffin t1_j49r6ao wrote

Maybe you shouldn’t say “the fuck can he even do” in the first place lol. Since you seem to know and mention very clear steps to mitigating COVID risk.

I don’t know a single person who wears N95 masks everywhere that has gotten COVID more than 1 time, and that’s way less than the average NYC resident I know.


MysteryNeighbor t1_j49s53v wrote

>Maybe you shouldn’t say “the fuck can he even do” in the first place lol.

Fair point, let me touch that up right quick


brownredgreen t1_j48lkt9 wrote

It is absolutely defeatism to act like "there's nothing we can do!" Because there is no guaranteed way to avoid it guess that means we cannot alter our odds in any way shape or form huh?

Guess we just need to let the disgusting and morally repulsive people who WANT to spread Covid continue to do so, unmolested, huh?


MysteryNeighbor t1_j48pxyv wrote

No one gives a fuck on the state level, no one gives a fuck on a national level, no one gives a fuck on a global level to enforce mask use.

I am in no way saying not to lower your odds but again, barring draconian measures, one will get this shit eventually.

This is far from the ideal but that’s reality


1anatagamusuko t1_j495oyi wrote

It's circular. Saying no one cares so results are inevitable. Which leads to an attitude of no one caring and reasonable precautions becoming impossible to implement leading to the same thing happening again and again.

It's not about enforcement of mask use its about making it socially acceptable. If people wear masks cases will go down.


TaylorHamAndChill t1_j4ab1hb wrote

Stay inside for the rest of your life, we won’t miss you much out here anyway lol
