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brownredgreen t1_j47ony0 wrote

If Covid didnt kill anyone and merely gave them long term damage, would ANY of you covid deniers give a shit? Or would "dying from an illness is the only thing that matters" your line in the sand?


JE163 t1_j480tb8 wrote

What do you recommend? more enforced quarantines and business shut downs?


Wowzlul t1_j483vbh wrote

Basically yes.

To some people March 2020 was a seminal moment in human history, and forever afterward people will hide their faces in public and exist in a low-contact weird asocial world to combat our new invisible enemy.

A return to normalcy is not envisaged.


JE163 t1_j4857ch wrote

Maybe therapy is needed


Wowzlul t1_j485kjf wrote

I don't know how you convince people who like the way of life that perpetual covid suppression entailed that they should give it up. They want to stay inside, hide from the world, order everything, be on their computers all the time, wear a mask in public. These are positive changes to them. They're not negative consequences.

There's not much you can do but oppose their efforts to make this regime a permanent fixture of society.


IAmGoingToSleepNow t1_j4b2ru2 wrote

What's stopping you from doing that?

Why does everyone else need to hide because some people like that


Wowzlul t1_j4ez93u wrote

I know I'm criticizing that attitude


iRedditAlreadyyy t1_j47u16q wrote

How many conservatives mocked the teens who went on national TV to protest watching their fellow classmates getting shot and killed during school shootings? Are we surprised they did the same thing but with COVID?
