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AyyLmao-ESEA t1_j489km0 wrote

Got it for the first time last week, had a fever for one night and a bit of a cold for the next 3. Didn’t even realize it was covid until I decided to take a test on the 4th day after symptoms had largely subsided.

Hopefully as hospitalizations haven’t been increasing too much most cases are more like that.


[deleted] t1_j48c9xi wrote



AyyLmao-ESEA t1_j48k64s wrote

Lol it’s not like I went around spreading it, I didn’t have one on hand and stayed home until I did. Appreciate you passing unsolicited judgement tho!


cupcake_not_muffin t1_j49p8yc wrote

If you don’t mask with a high quality respirator everywhere, you most probably did spread it, hate to say. In the least, to people in your building before symptom onset.


[deleted] t1_j49ziso wrote



cupcake_not_muffin t1_j4a1fwc wrote

Yeah lol they don’t wanna admit they could’ve killed or disabled someone. It’s really not that unlikely especially if the building has more than 100 people.


Wowzlul t1_j4a2g81 wrote

> Yeah lol they don’t wanna admit they could’ve killed or disabled someone.

I would bet money that something you've willingly done or failed to do has been part of the chain of causation that led to someone's death or injury. That's just an inescapable part of this horribly complex, interdependent society we've built.

Breaking those chains of causation or attenuating their effects requires interventions that impose negative consequences of their own. Sometimes they're worth it. Others not.


cupcake_not_muffin t1_j4a3b5b wrote

Not something that would take max 5-10 mins of passive time and could directly have odds of 20-30% chance of disability and 2-5% of death. I can confidently say that. Through indirect mechanisms and 5 dependencies, sure maybe


Melodic-Upstairs7584 t1_j495v2b wrote

I get not doing a test tbh. If you live alone and work from home it’s not the end of the world if you start feeling sick and just post up inside a few days until your symptoms are gone


[deleted] t1_j49zc92 wrote



KeukaLake370 t1_j4bi1x5 wrote

Are the Home test kits still free? The ones the Feds mailed me expired but I can get them at pharmacy and get reimbursed by insurance? Seems like a good thing to have on hand - like bandages & hydrogen peroxide.