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ECK-2188 t1_j48jnjo wrote


brownredgreen t1_j48k5ut wrote

Im shocked that you are OK with racism

Wait, no, im not. Sad, but not surprised.


ECK-2188 t1_j48kpm8 wrote

Spoiler alert: >!A country is different than an ethnicity of people!<

Have a great day and may you find solace in your blind virtue.


brownredgreen t1_j48l7vo wrote

Oh look, someone who is trying to act like racism wasn't Racism.

Classic racist.


ECK-2188 t1_j48oc8d wrote

”So I took that personally”

>!Oh look, the Reddit Michael Jordan of taking offhand remarks personally!<


brownredgreen t1_j48ott9 wrote

Racism offends me.

That it doesn't offend you, says alot about you.

Nothing good, but alot.