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iRedditAlreadyyy t1_j48nq8j wrote

If everyone around me for over three years basically said I was acting like an asshole, idk man, I would do some internal soul searching because that’s a lot of people finding a common variable…


[deleted] t1_j48rfx9 wrote



iRedditAlreadyyy t1_j48rzi6 wrote

If it’s a vocal “minority” then why are you clearly letting it bother you so much? Either you’re lying about the amount of people or you’re lying about it not bothering you. Either way you clearly seem triggered by COVID talk.

Like, there was also a “vocal minority” of conservatives who are horse dewormer and sold it to each other via Facebook to “cure” their infections. Did I get triggered by that? No. Because I understand the freedom works both ways and people are gonna do weird shit. So again I ask, why are you still not empathizing with those who has COVID personally impact them? Why make it this (typical) drawn out complaint about vaccinations and masks?