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Carmilla31 t1_j47dblt wrote

Not looking forward to catching covid for the third time but oh well.


drpvn t1_j47fx5n wrote

Got it last week. Was down for a day with a wicked headache but after that subsided I felt pretty much fine.


manormortal t1_j47ih7w wrote

Omicron gave up the title way to easily. cant be complacent once you get to the top.


brownredgreen t1_j47ony0 wrote

If Covid didnt kill anyone and merely gave them long term damage, would ANY of you covid deniers give a shit? Or would "dying from an illness is the only thing that matters" your line in the sand?


iRedditAlreadyyy t1_j47sw1v wrote

Honestly, I don’t understand why people like you can’t just accept the fact that the pandemic, similar to other global or national disasters were hard on some people. Hard on those that struggled to battle their infections. Hard for the nurses and doctors on the front lines. Hard on the mental health of those that lost jobs, worked remotely and stayed inside for almost a year straight.

You just detoured past acknowledgment of any human emotion and just went straight into making light of it.

What if I told you that it’s ok to view COVID as not a big deal while also humanizing your fellow man whom had wildly different experiences with it.


iRedditAlreadyyy t1_j47u16q wrote

How many conservatives mocked the teens who went on national TV to protest watching their fellow classmates getting shot and killed during school shootings? Are we surprised they did the same thing but with COVID?


Wowzlul t1_j483vbh wrote

Basically yes.

To some people March 2020 was a seminal moment in human history, and forever afterward people will hide their faces in public and exist in a low-contact weird asocial world to combat our new invisible enemy.

A return to normalcy is not envisaged.


Wowzlul t1_j485kjf wrote

I don't know how you convince people who like the way of life that perpetual covid suppression entailed that they should give it up. They want to stay inside, hide from the world, order everything, be on their computers all the time, wear a mask in public. These are positive changes to them. They're not negative consequences.

There's not much you can do but oppose their efforts to make this regime a permanent fixture of society.


AyyLmao-ESEA t1_j489km0 wrote

Got it for the first time last week, had a fever for one night and a bit of a cold for the next 3. Didn’t even realize it was covid until I decided to take a test on the 4th day after symptoms had largely subsided.

Hopefully as hospitalizations haven’t been increasing too much most cases are more like that.


AyyLmao-ESEA t1_j48a3xm wrote

Ok but the difference is while people like you were going around calling it a “nothing burger” people were still dying at an unacceptable rate. The only thing that made covid go away was the mortality rate falling to what the public considers an acceptable level.


MysteryNeighbor t1_j48ctd6 wrote

The fuck can he even do? (Even when taking proper steps to protect himself)

No one wears mask anymore and wearing N95s constantly doesn’t guarantee not catching it if you live with other people, especially kids who go to schools who have zero interest in preventing the spread.

Unless you have the luxury of living by yourself and completely isolating, you will catch this shit eventually.

That is not defeatism, that is fact


smartwaterofficiel t1_j48ht03 wrote

Got it around Christmas. 13 days of misery. Mask up and wash your hands.


AyyLmao-ESEA t1_j48kd1l wrote

If you think regurgitating garbage talking points straight from Fox News and the NY post is thinking for yourself I’m concerned

But yes tell me about how the election was stolen next!


brownredgreen t1_j48lkt9 wrote

It is absolutely defeatism to act like "there's nothing we can do!" Because there is no guaranteed way to avoid it guess that means we cannot alter our odds in any way shape or form huh?

Guess we just need to let the disgusting and morally repulsive people who WANT to spread Covid continue to do so, unmolested, huh?


MysteryNeighbor t1_j48pxyv wrote

No one gives a fuck on the state level, no one gives a fuck on a national level, no one gives a fuck on a global level to enforce mask use.

I am in no way saying not to lower your odds but again, barring draconian measures, one will get this shit eventually.

This is far from the ideal but that’s reality


iRedditAlreadyyy t1_j48rzi6 wrote

If it’s a vocal “minority” then why are you clearly letting it bother you so much? Either you’re lying about the amount of people or you’re lying about it not bothering you. Either way you clearly seem triggered by COVID talk.

Like, there was also a “vocal minority” of conservatives who are horse dewormer and sold it to each other via Facebook to “cure” their infections. Did I get triggered by that? No. Because I understand the freedom works both ways and people are gonna do weird shit. So again I ask, why are you still not empathizing with those who has COVID personally impact them? Why make it this (typical) drawn out complaint about vaccinations and masks?


femaiden t1_j493den wrote

It's the deadly ones that worry me. Idgaf about teansmissible if it's not gonna fill ICUs


machstang t1_j493x6n wrote

Corp America said don’t your dare shut the offices down again… just saying…


1anatagamusuko t1_j495oyi wrote

It's circular. Saying no one cares so results are inevitable. Which leads to an attitude of no one caring and reasonable precautions becoming impossible to implement leading to the same thing happening again and again.

It's not about enforcement of mask use its about making it socially acceptable. If people wear masks cases will go down.


AyyLmao-ESEA t1_j4972lc wrote

I’m not even arguing it lol I’m just telling you you’re not thinking for yourself you’re just regurgitating talking points. The vaccine wasn’t some crazy cure-all people hoped they would be and masks are never going to be anywhere near 100% effective but it’s just so stupid to think it’s all or nothing. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle.


chingchongmakahaya t1_j49njtu wrote

Been having this wicked cough the past 10 days. It’s shite. Everyone’s symptoms seem to vary.


Puzzleheaded-Sail772 t1_j49p9mx wrote

I had Covid last week so was presumably this (both with this and Omnicron last year, symptoms started New Year’s Day, I do not want this to become a New Year’s tradition). Thankfully I’ve been up to date with vaccinations, including the new booster in September, so for me was even lighter symptoms than the already pretty mild Omnicron infection I had.


cupcake_not_muffin t1_j49pjam wrote

Your issue is that it’s not about whether or not you get COVID. It’s about reducing the number of times you get COVID. It’s very clear that getting COVID 4+ times creates serious organ damage and the less times you get infected, the better health you have. It’s not an all or nothing debate like you’re trying to make.


MysteryNeighbor t1_j49qpr3 wrote

I am in no way making this an “all or nothing” thing. Use the best quality of mask, stay up to date with vaccination, try as hard as you can to maintain a safe distance but accept that you can get COVID anyway.

I have done and continue to do all of that shit yet got COVID from my kid sister in October because her school just lets everyone roam maskless and be right next to each other.

In short, do what you can to avoid infection but society is currently in a place that runs directly counter to those preparations.

It shouldn’t fucking be this way but our government (both this administration and the former one) is willing to throw it’s citizenry under the bus to appease those who can’t stand to wear a cloth over their face


cupcake_not_muffin t1_j49r6ao wrote

Maybe you shouldn’t say “the fuck can he even do” in the first place lol. Since you seem to know and mention very clear steps to mitigating COVID risk.

I don’t know a single person who wears N95 masks everywhere that has gotten COVID more than 1 time, and that’s way less than the average NYC resident I know.


happytappin t1_j49spvy wrote

Im vaccinated and boosted, but Im seeing a pattern all my friends and colleagues in NYC who are up to date still get it. ALL of my family: mother, father, brother, nephews, and friends ALL got the original Alpha, never got vaccinated....but never got sick since. It's really crazy.


Brooklyn-Epoxy t1_j49vjpg wrote

This sucks. I have so many mixed feelings. I want to have fun but don't want a bad virus. I go out to an event and I don't want to be the only one in a mask. 😢


shin_datenshi t1_j49ysfu wrote

i donno what i had goin on because I got a negative PCR and my family all did in fact have covid over christmas. it did certainly spread violently once one person got sick.

I am vaxxed and double boosted. been over 2wks now and I was STARTING to not feel like death but also I decided to start doing physical stuff again and it was clearly too soon since my symptoms started coming right back.

Somehow my mom and dad were mostly better within a week and a half. I'm half their age and generally in better shape of course, but it hit me WAY harder regardless. Medical research do be like that sometimes though. I'm sure no one in this thread wants to hear it, but >!apparently there have been some EXTREMELY rare cases of people getting a different type of RSV after the vaccine having crazy (and I mean CRAZY)complications. Again I say extremely rare, not statistically significant enough to matter in the grand scheme at all.!<

>!But it turns out.... my cousin who it just happens to be that he's the guy in better shape than ANYONE I know was one of the aforementioned people. Something like one in 10 million. Luckily he noticed something was wrong because he somehow ended up with very severe pericarditis. He's fine now thanks to being very in tune with his body, if not... he easily could have let it go a day or even a few hours longer and that would have been it.!<

yay sourcing your info is super important when it comes to current day issues so you know I'm not just some idiot, but some idiot who's experience does happen to correlate with a bunch of other idiots that SOMEONE(wait really, who's idea was the last 10-20 years of CDC service in general pls stop) thought it was a good idea to put in charge.


Wowzlul t1_j4a2g81 wrote

> Yeah lol they don’t wanna admit they could’ve killed or disabled someone.

I would bet money that something you've willingly done or failed to do has been part of the chain of causation that led to someone's death or injury. That's just an inescapable part of this horribly complex, interdependent society we've built.

Breaking those chains of causation or attenuating their effects requires interventions that impose negative consequences of their own. Sometimes they're worth it. Others not.


tbs222 t1_j4a2zaw wrote

Missed this post earlier, but I'd like to share some data. For context here:

  1. NYC Covid Dashboard - positivity, hospitalizations, deaths all decreasing. Source:

  2. NYS Covid Dashboard (NYC) - seven day average positivity has been declining for over two weeks and is the lowest it's been in over a month. Source:

  3. NYS Covid Hospitalizations (NYC data) - Covid hospitalizations are the lowest they've been since roughly Thanksgiving. Source:

All of these measures are trending downward, so this 'plea' seems a little bit misplaced.


cupcake_not_muffin t1_j4a3b5b wrote

Not something that would take max 5-10 mins of passive time and could directly have odds of 20-30% chance of disability and 2-5% of death. I can confidently say that. Through indirect mechanisms and 5 dependencies, sure maybe


dontbealuddyduddy t1_j4adjup wrote

Husband got COVID last December (2021).. has had a severe and refractory headache 24/7 ever since… he was healthy and “normal” before all this. It’s turned our lives upside down. Nothing helps so far. Meanwhile I’m fine.. it’s all so shit and random


RGE27 t1_j4b0ivo wrote

Lol here we go with this BS again. Who cares?


ext3meph34r t1_j4b0xeh wrote

Entire family caught it. They had the symptoms, loss of smell, horrible aches and sore throat. Spread like wildfire. I was fine, used the home testing kits. Nothing.

Count myself lucky. I was in close proximity with them.


oledirtycrustard t1_j4b88iv wrote

yall remember a time long, long before 2020 when you would get a nasty bug a few times a year and it was no big deal?

get it the together folks


KeukaLake370 t1_j4bi1x5 wrote

Are the Home test kits still free? The ones the Feds mailed me expired but I can get them at pharmacy and get reimbursed by insurance? Seems like a good thing to have on hand - like bandages & hydrogen peroxide.


jahblaze t1_j4bnlg6 wrote

Pretty sure I got it last Thursday. Sore throat flared up Saturday night, fever popped up on Monday, Tuesday was filled with explosions from both ends, Wed and Thursday just reduction symptoms. Friday and today is coughs and sore throat with congestion.

This was the most wicked version of covid for me, before was like 1-2 days of bed and back to normal


jahblaze t1_j4bo2mo wrote

I was similar to you.. a solid 7 days of symptoms and day 6/7 were mild in terms of symptoms (sore throat, congestion, cough). Mid 30’s, pretty fit, vaxxed and boosted. The worst of it involved heavy fever, normal symptoms, vomiting and diarrhea lasting for 48 hours


jahblaze t1_j4bogti wrote

I went to an event last Thursday and wish I woulda worn my mask. I remember a lady coughing next to me and after her friend asked if she was sick, her response was no.. just coughing and runny nose cuz it’s cold outside.

I’d say mask is worth more than people’s thoughts.. generally seems like 40% of people are masked up on subways and events


rgrip33 t1_j4c08fk wrote

Case rates are inaccurate since everyone is using home tests. And there can still be adverse affects that don’t involve hospitalization or death. Being sick (and losing income from days off at work) sucks.


tbs222 t1_j4c1e2e wrote

The data set does not include home tests, yes, but I don't understand your point. The recent historical data from the past two months also does not include home tests. This is a representative sample of data.

Also, hospitalizations and fatalities and are still a reliable indicator of trends regardless of how people are testing.


vaultboy1245 t1_j4esq94 wrote

Anyone who understands coronaviruses and basic microbiology will know that this will be like the flu every year from now on. This fear mongering media reporting headlines is pathetic. Just like with the flu, if you’re immunocompromised, take the necessary precautions. Otherwise, wash your hands and don’t put your Dick beaters in your mouth or eyes. If you don’t, you might catch covid and have a few days of sickness before being fine and ready to return to normal life. This is not a form of covid-19, this is just a form of coronavirus that will mutate and come back in several forms every year until we figure out how to ACTUALLY vaccinate for these types of viruses such as influenza, coronavirus, and the common cold.


vaultboy1245 t1_j4esxw2 wrote

My whole family never got vaxxed and still have not once caught covid. Did get a nasty flu last year (yes confirmed and tested for flu at doctor). It was a bitch. Week of hell followed by 2 weeks of a cough that just wouldn’t quit before finally feeling normal again.


vaultboy1245 t1_j4eu1w9 wrote

Idk about that. We moved away last year to NH, but last weekend we spent the weekend in the city and atlesst 90% were unmasked on the subway and hardly anyone was masked at the Carnegie hall concert we went to last Sunday.


femaiden t1_j4ggdtu wrote

I feel like that was more with the stronger covids. My point is that I'm not so worried because people aren't getting as sick like they were back in the day. I'm willing to bet that with the weaker strains,less people are getting long covid.


bluethroughsunshine t1_j4ggzn1 wrote

This isnt a weaker strain though and that's kind of the problem. We have more defenses due to vaccination but vaccination works to prevent death, not long covid. Also this strain is more transmissible but no more detrimental than the previous ones, which doesnt mean less. Saying you're willing to bet is basically saying why bother to do preventive methods on a guess that it's not with no evidence to back it up.


shin_datenshi t1_j4h4bda wrote

yeah... waking up so full of crap that you just gotta throw up is greeaaaat. I talked to a friend yesterday and he heard something about getting the flu ALSO and that somehow making PCRs come back neg even when you have COVID. Not sure if he was getting it confused with the instant tests or any of that tho.


shin_datenshi t1_j4h6zst wrote

I wish I could say for sure but we won't have a realistic way to guess at these things for years at least. Whether it's one in 100,000 or one in 1,000,000, NEITHER of those are significant enough to be an anti-vax moron. I REALLY WISH i could give my cousin 5 minutes alone with each of those people concurrently. I know he would SURE love it.

Our sample size of 3 indicates that people over 30 are the prime target for these side symptoms, and that it doesn't matter if you're literally in fighting shape. Not very useful but it's an anecdote.


Cheektowagamike t1_j4h8qur wrote

40% who are positive for COVID have no symptoms. An additional 40% (total 80%) have mild symptoms. So in all likelihood you and or your family have had COVID. You just don’t know it. I was a contact tracer for 18 months btw. John’s Hopkins certified.


Outta_hearr t1_j4hetdj wrote

I got covid over Christmas, and it just came back a few weeks later and it's way worse. Horrible cough, vomiting, fever, tight chest, headache. I've been vaccinated and boosted


shin_datenshi t1_j4kjgsk wrote

lmao. Inevitably I got downvoted for trying to add something to the conversation, just like I thought. Facts and reason have no place here as usual.

If that is in fact what it was, my god. It was awful. top 5 worst I've ever felt easily. Who knows, will be a while before we can get up to like 99% accuracy with telling the difference between these novel respiratory viruses. (not that the flu or RSV itself is new but constantly mutating.)