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Ranch-Boi t1_ja5qndh wrote

Do you need 2 cars?


Jeom049 OP t1_ja5r1wz wrote

I traded the corolla for the Camry. Part of me regrets getting the camry as I could be payment free on the corolla now. Life changed and my vision changed. At least I have a plan, if everything goes well in the next year or so, I can keep the camry and my living situation should be way better than before.


Ranch-Boi t1_ja5rpbb wrote

Sorry I think I’m confused. Are you trying to buy a second car? Or trying to upgrade the quality of your current car?


Jeom049 OP t1_ja5sped wrote

the other part of me feels like I'm just worrying too much. If I do decide to get her something nicer I doubt a few 1-3 grand upsidedown will bother me. lol


Jeom049 OP t1_ja5sfnp wrote

this car I'm asking everyone about is not for me. my girlfriend's family is buying her a car. But I know I will get her a better one once my financial situation is better. I just hate the idea of loosing money in the future. I know eventually Before the 4 year mark I will buy her something nicer such as an audi or bmw.... Knowing how prices for cars are so high, and knowing 2 years ago you could get 4k under msrp I have a feeling I'll be upside down if I Finance the car


BrianTheEE t1_ja6tshn wrote

If you're paranoid about being upside down on your Toyota after 3 years, you're gonna be in a worrrrrrld of pain when you get that BMW or Audi past 30k miles lol.

It sounds like you've made up your mind. Choose a car to lease for 3 years, give it back to the dealer, get that beamer, instant buyer's remorse, sell it back at a fraction you bought it for, and then buy a used Corolla.

Nothing anyone says here will change your mind.