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kingsford-smith t1_ja5uaj1 wrote

Terrible financial decision but it seems you’ve already made up your mind.


Jeom049 OP t1_ja5uwa7 wrote

Not yet, Nobody seems to recommend me other cars I could look into for a lease. I just need a low payment on reliable new or not overpriced used car... if cars already depreciate, they will even more now when the market crashes and everything goes down in price.


designvegabond t1_ja6harn wrote

Because everyone is telling you not to lease. FINANCE THE CAR.

You sound like a broken record and this seems like a troll post. Buy the car and drive it until it breaks. Avoid getting another in 3 years with lifestyle creep. If you’re relying on her dad to help her with the car then you guys aren’t ready to dump a Toyota for something more expensive.