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Tayties t1_jabp2ut wrote

I recommend staying with your parents a little longer. It is easy to underestimate the cost of moving out, especially if you forget to account the occasional expenses, such as six-month insurance payments. Add on lifestyle creep of wanting to go out more often, hosting parties, and other things that won’t happen as much at your parents’ house. If possible, save up a down payment on a small house. Let the equity build a little and roll into a slightly better place.

Now for the other side, your social life will be somewhat diminished. However, it is possible to maintain if you are intentional about staying connected with your friends. Another bit of advice is to live out of your vehicle - keep a strict gym schedule after work and keep extra changes of clothes for different situations in the car. This will let you avoid running back home in the middle of the day and you won’t get sucked into sitting around. Casual relationships will be more difficult to impress living at home, but a significant other that cares will be supportive. It it possible to get through with your mental health intact, especially if your parents aren’t too intrusive.