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ct-yankee t1_ja9ljk2 wrote

If I were in your shoes, I would:

  1. Begin budgeting everything and watch every dollar coming in and going out of your checking account. This will help identify areas of optional spend, the sooner you increase the amount of $ going to debt, the sooner the bleeding stops.
  2. Do not stop contributing to your 401k to the degree you're securing a match. Every other penny, go after the debt.
  3. I'd absolutely move to a lower interest option card if I was able.
  4. I'd stop using the cards AT ALL, until the debt was gone. I'd be concerned my habits would have be using the cards for routine unbeudgeted spend while trying to pay it down, which goes against the intent to get rid of high cost consumer debt.
  5. I'd make Step one my new religion.

Cheers and wishing you the very best.