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_joeBone_ t1_jabjq0w wrote

Reply to comment by ThrowawayTink2 in Father getting divorced by waynekop

that's why I asked if they hated each other.

why did you wait 20+ years for him to get his shit together? This situation can work if both people are rowing in the same direction. just sayin


ThrowawayTink2 t1_jabk679 wrote

He promised me babies "when we had more money in the bank' 'better health insurance' 'fixed up the house to be safe for a baby' and a half dozen other valid sounding excuses. Once I realized he was trying to run my clock out, I thought I was 'too old' to start over. (I wasn't). Then the crash of 08 hit. Took me another 10 years to climb out of that financially. I was okay being the breadwinner. The dealbreaker was when I was given a chance to adopt a newborn and he blocked the homestudy. Done. Took me two more years but I was done the day he refused the homestudy. I walked away and never looked back.