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BitterPillPusher2 t1_ja56e7x wrote

Sell the car. Buy a beater with the surplus. Put the $439 a month you were paying for it towards debt.

Since you won't have a car payment, you won't need full coverage insurance. Re-evaluate your insurance needs to drop that payment.

Does your partner work? Can they? I get it if any job would earn the same as you would pay in child care. But can they babysit another kid in your home or something? Take in laundry? Get a job working at a child care center where they can take your son with them?

And you know this, but find a new and better job. Retail experience translates to a lot of different things. Customer service jobs, for example, can pay really well and tend to like people with retail backgrounds. Not saying it's going to be your dream job, but it could pay the bills. Once you get on your feet, then look into learning some skills to get a better job.

I would also not rule out bankruptcy. But if you go this route, you need to really address the reasons why you got into this situation in the first place.


opmeTK OP t1_ja56wk3 wrote

My dad dying and me being the primary care taker is how I got into this mess. Over the years it’s just snowballed. I don’t spend anything unless it’s for gas or groceries so I’ve already cut everything out. I just don’t make enough money. My partner works for a big company and works in an office. We send our son to day care.

Definitely trying to find new positions, just been applying to everything and hoping for a fall back.


citydock2000 t1_ja6ic9x wrote

What about pulling your child out of daycare and looking for an evening/weekend job? You could potentially share a car then too and put that 3500 toward debt .


lakehop t1_ja5xmtg wrote

Call all the insurance companies. Tell them you cannot pay and you want to negotiate down the total amount you owe. Read some articles about how to do that successfully. Then, sell your car and buy a much cheaper car (any chance you can do without a car). Put your previous car payment towards CC3, once it is paid off towards CC1, then CC2. Start working, but in parallel look for a higher paying job.