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mrdannyg21 t1_jackj3r wrote

This is really well said. Obviously saving is better than wasting but there’s definitely a grey area where you we are denying ourselves things we would enjoy when the additional savings have little marginal benefit. It’s important to have financial flexibility and emergency funds and all of that but also important to live your life. The balance of that is so very personal - depends on your priorities, health, kids, job, goals and a million other things.

For me, it took having someone in my life who was somewhat fiscally irresponsible for me to see how much I was hoarding, and how I was avoiding spending on things I’d actually enjoy a lot and had relatively minimal costs. So I’m glad OP asked this question because if you’re eating ramen because you’re paying down a 5-figure credit card that’s good, but if you’re eating ramen while having fully funded lifestyle, retirement savings, emergency fund, health insurance, outside investments, etc…well it’s worth taking a closer look at your priorities and financial targets. (Unless you just love ramen of course)