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epitone t1_jaacwsf wrote

I've lived in the DC area my entire life and the metro rail here is honestly one of my preferred rail lines. It goes pretty far into Maryland and VA - though it won't get you to say, Virginia Beach or Baltimore.

Honestly if my partner didn't live all the way across the country I'd probably never leave here - it's just so much nicer than any of the other areas I've visited bar like, San Diego.

If you can get a job that requires security clearance, you'll be pretty much set - not sure about how it works now but back when I was graduating, places were really hurting for people who could pass the clearance (granted this was back in like 2016). I have family who've worked in the government and while it's not the most glamorous of jobs, the security cannot be beat, so it's a tradeoff on that front.