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newbureaucrat1 OP t1_jab33c4 wrote

Currently I'm on the same range. It caps out at 7, and I am not really sure how large or small federal offices can be. The new office is certainly larger than my current corporate office by a matter of degrees. I am unsure what opportunity there is for advancement, but one of the people on the panel did seem to be at GS8 or 9 after their years of service to the org.. so there could be some movement?

I'd be totally fine switching agencies, provided the right opportunity came up. I am unsure if I want to go through the TS process, but I am certain that the series I'm entering in on 0303 is very much a "foot in the door" billet. Like, you're in, now find something to do that isn't so generic.

What kind of free trainings could exist, broadly speaking? Do you mean leadership training, or would it be more like a cert to get someone into IT work? My absolute dream job (from my college days wargaming at GWU) would be to work in State at some small obscure desk (think.. Moldova, or Laos, or Algeria), but I am unsure what exactly could put someone in that position. Besides being in the USFS. It's a small dream, but it's something, the novelty I hink is what I find so appealing.

Ultimately, I know that I'd like to do some TDY rotations abroad, especially while I've still got some sight left, within my first couple years. Do those opportunities only really exist with the DoD?


Artanthos t1_jab80zt wrote

>I am not really sure how large or small federal offices can be.

It's agency dependent. When I was Department of Labor, it was tiny cubicles for 11s and 12s.

With my current agency? You can tell how important someone is by the size and placement of their office. As a GS5 to GS7, my desk was in the hallway. When I changed job titles at GS7 I moved to an interior office. When I made GS11 I got a window office. My supervisor has an office 3x my offices size. My Director has a corner office 2x the size of my supervisors.


>I am unsure what opportunity there is for advancement

This is very agency dependent. But a foot in the door allows you to change agencies eventually.


>What kind of free trainings could exist, broadly speaking? Do you mean leadership training

Leadership training does exist, but also professional writing courses, online self-study, mental health, emotional health, general professional courses. Most last 2-3 days, some longer.


>My absolute dream job (from my college days wargaming at GWU) would be to work in State at some small obscure desk

I'm unsure what exactly they would be looking for. That said, I mentioned networking and training opportunities. I've taken classes at the state department once or twice, and that would be a good topic to bring up during a break. There are also occasional opportunities for detachments, where you temporarily work somewhere else to broaden your experience. Usually it's withing the same agency, but not always.