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SailingSmitty t1_jaa856q wrote

Reply to comment by evilhaw in Would I need to pay Rent Twice? by evilhaw

When does your lease start? It sounds like you moved in mid-month so that $250 might be pro-rated for February or may be some other cost. You’re probably best served by asking “what does this fee represent?” in writing to your landlord so that you’re both on the same page as to what you’re paying.


evilhaw OP t1_jaa999d wrote

My lease started (Feb 13th), The fee was sent as an invoice and attached was “pro-rated (apt #) move in 2/13)” exactly identical to the original rent and security deposit invoice I paid went first moved in just without the pro-rates part


SailingSmitty t1_jaaaek2 wrote

It sounds like the $1300 could be the deposit and last month’s rent (meaning when you move out) and the $250 represents a pro-rated amount for February. But, I’m a stranger on the internet that hasn’t read your lease. You should still contact your landlord to confirm.