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Nagisan t1_jaaa4hu wrote

> and last month rent

Is that normal? I've lived at 3 different complexes in 2 different states over the last 6 years and none of them ever asked for last month rent upfront.

However, they were all managed by businesses, not private rentals or something.


Banea-Vaedr t1_jaaaqt6 wrote

Every place I've ever been to wanted first, last, deposit, and a listing fee


Nagisan t1_jaab4us wrote

I've only ever seen deposit + pro-rated first month + application/admin fee....but I've only lived in a few places so yeah if asking for more is normal, that very well could've been what OP paid extra for.


Stonethecrow77 t1_jabajd8 wrote

As a property owner, this is what I do.

Only own in Texas. Each state has different laws.

But, this is the most straight forward way for everyone, I think.


Pleasant_Carpenter37 t1_jab9j6m wrote

Where have you lived? I've never had a landlord ask for last month's rent up front, but I don't know the norms in all 50 states.


acidwxlf t1_jacp3ef wrote

NYS (not anywhere near NYC) and I've always had a landlord ask for first and last up front, then they apply first month to the rent and hold the last month amount as a security deposit


fizzlepop t1_jaaespw wrote

It varies based on location. My renting experience in California has been very different than Pennsylvania.


ExPorkie15 t1_jaathdl wrote

Last 3 places I’ve lived required the 1st, last and security deposit.


J_Pizzle t1_jad2mmi wrote

It's pretty standard in MA, though often it's more like 3 of 4 for first/last/security/broker fee.

In MA, at least, they technically need to put anything prepaid (security and last month rent) into a savings account and give you the interest. Or a flat 5%/yr if they don't put it in a bank account. I can't say I've really seen the interest but usually it's not enough to bother pushing as long as they give me my full deposit back. Many might not even know they owe this, though some probably just count on tenants not being aware.


Nagisan t1_jadj0id wrote

Oddly enough, I forgot about the 6mo I was in MA years ago - bringing me up to 4 complexes in 3 states over the last 6 years where they never asked for last months rent up front.


SpoonerSleutherton t1_jab6syo wrote

I'm Canadian and I've personally never been asked for a security deposit. It's always just first and last months rent upfront.


TooSoonTurtle t1_jabcsn4 wrote

Security/damage deposits are illegal in Ontario so that's probably why.


Ashesnhale t1_jactcab wrote

I love that security deposits and last month deposits are illegal in Montreal. They're only allowed to ask for the first month or a portion of the first month as a form of deposit up front before you move in. You must have signed the lease and they must cash it before you move in.


Substantial-Ad5483 t1_jad954f wrote

I've only had to pay last months rent in Boston. That was the norm there, I paid it at 4 different places. My only other rental experience is in Virginia and it is not the norm there. 1st month and deposit only.


Nagisan t1_jaditwe wrote

I rented in Boston many years ago (actually forgot that in my above 4 complexes in 3 different states) and didn't pay last months rent upfront....