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helvetica434 t1_jadbqer wrote

I know this advice is frustrating, but getting a full time higher paying job is really the only good outcome for you, for this bill and in general. Can you talk to people who have the jobs you want and ask how they got hired? I like that you called the manager to follow up on applications. That didn’t work that time but maybe it’ll work eventually. Sorry it’s been so hard so far.


myopinionnoconseq OP t1_jadcek5 wrote

talking to people who work in my desired field got me the work that i have now (~7.5 hours a week, $20/hr doing field campaign work for a few school board races). i appreciate your kindness. its very frustrating when you do the things everyone tells you do (good resume, apply constantly, be persistent, etc.) and not only do you not get the outcome you're expecting, but you're blamed for circumstances that you can't control.