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FellowConspirator t1_jadhuxw wrote

When you get your first job you should get your own bank account. For many people, this when they are a teenager.

It’s sensible to keep an account shared with your parents in addition for a few years after high school as it’s a convenient way for parents to transfer money to their children in college or living away from home for the first time.

In your case, you should already have your own bank account and use that primarily. If you want a shared savings account that you can move money into to gift to your parents, where they can transfer money into their own accounts, that’s fine. However, you should not be giving them access to your personal bank accounts. Doing so grants them control of all your money, and you could see them drain the account for a reason they think is good, but you would not concur. You need to have the extra step in place where you move money from your personal account (only accessible by you), to the joint account.

I’d also say that you want to be very careful with your generosity. Your parents are in a uniquely good position to take advantage of your kindness.