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Evaderfield24 t1_jaegfbn wrote

Reply to comment by mgd150 in Help me evaluate my budget? by [deleted]

LMAO. OP wants to cut expenses and save more for retirement. That's one that can easily be cut or at least reduced if they insist on paying someone else to walk their dog. Walk the dog in the morning or after work if you can't go home during lunch. It works for me. But I guess that doesn't work for everyone. I love dogs but I'm not going to sacrifice my future financial independence for one. I'm sure I will get dragged for that comment but oh well.


bluemulga t1_jaesyda wrote

How are your dogs able to hold their bladder for that long? My dog has to be let out of the house to use the bathroom. I work 12 hour shifts, that’s too long to not let my dog to go the bathroom.


Evaderfield24 t1_jaeze41 wrote

I only work 8 hours and my dog is a 70# Pitt bull. He has a larger bladder. He actually doesn't drink enough water IMO. Now a little poodle, I understand the need to let it out more frequently.


Evaderfield24 t1_jaezqf9 wrote

Have you considered a doggie door? My ex boyfriend had a German Shepherd that used a doggie door. A fenced yard is a must, of course.