Submitted by ZepTepi49 t3_11eh131 in personalfinance

How do you check your credit scores and how often do you check them?

I check my Experian score directly through their app when it's working and I check Credit Karma for my Equifax and TransUnion scores. Before some of you tell me that CK isn't giving me my actual scores, I'm aware of that but I know they aren't far off from my actual scores from my experience.

I don't got to TransUnion and Equifax for my actual scores because both charge for that. At least they did the last time I checked for them. If anyone knows different please let me know.



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c0horst t1_jadyfyl wrote

I just use Chase's Credit Journey. Seems to give a decently accurate score, and I like how it breaks down all my credit accounts and their balances so I can see if something increases and I didn't authorize it.


Evaderfield24 t1_jae129n wrote

I use Equifax because they give me a free FICO score. My auto loan is with Wells Fargo. They also give me an updated FICO score every month.


madskilzz3 t1_jae14bd wrote

It’s not that CK isn’t giving you an actual score (Vantage 3.0 is a real score), but majority of lenders don’t use vantage. Lenders typically lean towards FICO 8 or 9 and that’s what Experian give you.

Majority of people and myself uses the free Experian tier. General rule is to check your CS once a month.


t-poke t1_jae1xl6 wrote


I monitor the contents of my credit report with Credit Karma by having alerts set up to tell me when stuff changes. I ignore CK's credit score because it's useless. I don't care what my true FICO credit score is. I know it's excellent, that's all I need to know.


Left-Landscape-3890 t1_jae2oo4 wrote

CK check about once a month. I use their recommendations for applying for ccs and have been approved for all 4 they said I was good for. I like it shows who has 0% periods and sign up bonuses, and I use those to my advantage


snorkleface t1_jae6ozm wrote

Basically never. If I'm curious one random day I'll use the FICO scores provided by any of my various CC services when I'm in there already to pay the bill.


ZepTepi49 OP t1_jaeknti wrote

I have something similar with Wells Fargo simply called "FICO Credit Score" though I'm not sure if it's my actual FICO credit score or an estimation of it. I believed that there wasn't one FICO credit score but 3 different FICO scores, one from each credit reporting company but now I'm not so sure that's right.


ZepTepi49 OP t1_jaep2al wrote

I just realized that the score that I'm shown on Experians app and the one I'm shown on WF app that is labeled "Experian data" are not even close to being the same. Just goes to show that credit info can be interpreted very differently by different entities.


madskilzz3 t1_jaeq7r6 wrote

Then your score for Experian vs WF is different, since Experian is FICO 8 and WF is FICO 9. But each lender algorithm is vastly different , so hard to say which CS each lenders will choose.