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SupremeEscape t1_jed83nr wrote

Hey man I’ve been there. Slow your roll for a few months. Try not to spend on unnecessary things. Sell collection and try to jump out of debt as fast as possible. If you have car than try ubering at night but on weekends for a few hours but don’t lock yourself into car payment.

Try to make payments on all cards on time. Put as much money as you can aside.

Once you pay everything off continue to save.

Work more, spend less. Try to work more days of the week.


_topbun_ t1_jedh64y wrote

All good advice.

To add to this, the mathematically correct (i.e. costs you the least amount of money) method of paying down multiple debts is to throw all disposable income at the highest interest rate debt, so you should figure out which card has the highest APR and pay that down until it's gone, then rinse and repeat with the next highest interest rate debt.

Becoming a dental hygienist via a community college is a great investment if you can put in the time and effort. It looks like the average DH makes something north of 80k, and it's hard to see demand for them decreasing any time soon.