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Hacimnosp t1_jebttvr wrote

Best option is to pay it off in full. Second best option if your cc score isn’t shot get a personal loan with a lower interest rate. In this market around 8% that’s a third of a credit card. Then apply the method below and you are going to destroy the cc debt in no time!

If can’t get a personal loan you want to pay as much as you can after every pay check as it will reduce the interest build up. Interest is accrued daily on most credit cards and loans.

i.e. your cc interest is 24% and you have $10,000 in debt. You are paid bi monthly instead of paying $2000 right before the statement is due, pay $1000 per a check. $2000 right before statement is $200 in interest built in that month alone so only $1800 goes towards principal. If you do the bi monthly method you accrue ~$190 in interest and pay $1810 goes towards principal. This because even more potent of you get paid weekly or biweekly.

Another method is to put your entire check(or most of rent/mortgage can’t be)towards cc debt you then load everything you normal pay in your cc. As long as you pay it off in 30 days there is no interest on it. Make sure you have a budget and are not over spending other wise this plan will kill you instead!

i.e. cc debt of $10,000 at 24%. You get 2k paid bi weekly but have 1k in expenses per month. You will accrue ~$180 in interest and pay $3,820 towards principal -2k for that months expenses so $1,820 off the $10,000 in one month. I recommend converting the points into cash and using that to further pay down the cc debt.