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firefly20200 t1_jdtc7ge wrote

Your take home is what, at least $3k/month.

Can you pay $1,000 a month right now towards debt if you eat rice and ramen for a few months? (IE cut bills way down).

If so get that 26% loan paid off in three or four months. Then go after the credit card hard core. The car... eh, it's a bad time for loans right now. You'll probably look at 8%+ even with good credit for an unsecured personal loan and that doesn't really save much on the car. Maybe check local credit unions on refinancing the car rate, but used auto rates probably aren't much better, maybe 6 or 7% if you get lucky.


Phyduex2000 t1_jdtdf5j wrote

Take home for me is $4,120 and for the wife is 2-3k (she is a server) we are putting an extra 1200 or so each month toward the debt.