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kubatyszko t1_jdtvv6n wrote

Needs at least 730 for the best rates


gnerfed t1_jdu0rbv wrote

It certianly isn't 730. Been a while since i was in mortgage processing but it was eithe 720 or 740.


2ears1mth t1_jdun6kw wrote

Anything 740 and above is considered top tier credit. You can easy get a good “rate” with a lower score though and with FHA anything 640 and above will get you the same pricing. There are no adjustments on pricing with FHA if your score is 640 or above.


whitney_k t1_jduwg8j wrote

Best rates are usually 740 or even 769, but going FHA, a borrower at 640 can do okay. A lender is where they need to begin this journey.