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Peanuteatspoop t1_jdtxg9c wrote

OP, you are only a few years into investment and options while the collective of us here have seen it for the last few decades. Most people who post here because they want to improve their situation. I've seen a lot of good advice already. You can take our advice or not, but just know that being humble and aware of the limitation of your own knowledge are the foundation of improvement.


[deleted] OP t1_jdu14tp wrote



ElectroZX t1_jdu7zth wrote

You shouldn't try to time the market. What if it all goes against your plans? You're not investing, you're gambling your money away.

Let's say you're making some gains on your "investments". Is it really netting you money against your outrageous interest rates on your debt?


[deleted] OP t1_jdu9gg6 wrote



simply_ira t1_jdughsk wrote

OP, stop looking at this as different pots of money. If you have such huge debts, you don’t have ANY life savings. They cancel each other out.


[deleted] OP t1_jdugmob wrote



simply_ira t1_jdugsvk wrote

If something happens, you use the credit cards - which means you use them and pay that interest when you absolutely have to, instead you will be paying said CC interest regardless at the moment. You will not be worse off than you are right now.

Edit: but longer term, build up an emergency fund. That comes AFTER clearing high interest debt which you are buried under. In the absolutely starting point you find yourself in, emergency = back into debt, but that’s why everyone is telling you to reevaluate your situation.


[deleted] OP t1_jduhksx wrote



simply_ira t1_jduiasy wrote

I am including your personal loans and cc when I said “high interest debt”. I know one of them is at a lower 9%. Not the low interest you get on a mortgage so should still be cleared - last - but cleared. Buried = negative net worth. OP, it sounds like you are paying the debts off and heading in the right direction. You asked for advice on how best approach it, you got it, you are free to ignore said advice. It’s free advice and we are not professionals :) perhaps just people further ahead in the financial journey than you.