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four_leaf_clover_ t1_jduj2te wrote

Your money in your investment account shouldn’t be considered both your “emergency savings” AND “potential down payment for a house” AND “an inbestment” Yes, it can be liquidated but 9k in investment won’t be 9k when you liquidate it.

I am curious to know how much you make


[deleted] OP t1_jduk2v0 wrote



four_leaf_clover_ t1_jduotje wrote

I make about 70k without overtime or bonus. I have a good amount set aside for emergencies, 20% down set aside to buy a house within a year, 2 retirement accounts and 60k in investment account.

That 60k is just gonna be there doing it’s main purpose and not be an emergency fund.

You need to delete all the posts you put on multiple subs and ask more appropriate questions of “i make this much a year with this much debt and this much spending a month. How should i divide up my monthly income to quickly pay off debt a, b and c while saving money for downpayment”