Submitted by joecarst t3_1261esx in personalfinance

I'm looking at changing our insurance provider. When looking at the limits they have I wonder how and why we have what we have. They seem reasonable but are we wasting money with too low of a deductible and too high limits.

Right now we own all three of our vehicles, no loans. Two are worth about $25k and the other is worth maybe $5k. Do I really need liability for $300k?

If we were to sell our house it would be around $350k, but just to rebuild if it were destroyed it would be less I'm guessing. Do I need to cover $200k worth of personal property? I don't think what we have is worth that much.

  • Does anyone have a system they use to determine their coverage? Like once a car is X number of years old and under this amount, I don't have collision or comprehensive on it. Or only insure a house for 1.5 times its selling price?
  • And if you have filed a claim for Auto or Home insurance what are you glad you had on it? Or maybe wish you didn't have on it?


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Werewolfdad t1_je74ceg wrote

> Right now we own all three of our vehicles, no loans. Two are worth about $25k and the other is worth maybe $5k. Do I really need liability for $300k?

The value of your cars doesn’t matter for liability.

If you cause $300k in property damage, do you want to be responsible for a portion of it?

For hazard insurance, the replacement cost is a good number.

For liability insurance, however much you’d get sued for that was necessitate bankruptcy

I have maximum car liability insurance plus a $1mm umbrella policy.


theoriginalharbinger t1_je74ffr wrote

Whether you carry collision or comprehensive is a measure of your own risk tolerance, risky behavior, and capacity to replace. There's no formula for it. You can pencil it out. As an example, if you have a car worth 5k and a 1000 deductible, you'll get 4000 in value out of your insurance should you total your own car. Over 4 years, that comes out to $80/month. So if you feel you are unlikely to total your car in the next 4 years and your insurance is $80/month for collision, you're better off dropping it. This is a moving target, though - how many cars have you totaled? How many more and how soon do you think you'll total them? Nobody really knows except you, and even then you don't really know that well.

As far as liability limits, that really depends on what you're likely to hit. I carry high limits on mine because I live in a neighborhood where G-Wagens and Teslas are rampant.

I've never filed an auto or home insurance claim in my life, though. Insurance should cover catastrophes, IMO, and anything short of that I expect to come out of my own pocket.


amazinghl t1_je794dv wrote

Average new car sold price is around 50k. If you going into multiple cars accident, you'll want that $300k coverage.


KifferKen t1_je7fniv wrote

I do sales and service for an insurance agency. Our agency recommends a minimum of 100/300/100 for liability coverage. If you like in an area where luxury cars are regularly around you and dense population, definitely do it. As far as deductibles, for collision ask yourself “how much out of pocket cost can I cover before it becomes a burden”. For cars over 10-15 years old the savings in dropping collision coverage is typically higher than having collision coverage on the vehicle. If your glass coverage is included in your comprehensive coverage, select a deductible of $50. Glass repairs are typically $200-$375, I’ve never seen a glass claim over $550.