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IceCreamforLunch t1_jefpxv6 wrote

>Is it ever a good idea to just cancel the cards and set up new payment plans without payments until I get my head above water

The credit card company isn't going to be OK with you just not making any payments for a while regardless of whether or not you cancel the card.


t-poke t1_jefq75h wrote

> set up new payment plans without payments until I get my head above water

That's just not a thing. The bank isn't going to be fine with you not making payments for a few months.


JohnQK t1_jefqdct wrote

If they're no longer necessary, it's always a good idea to cancel the cards. It doesn't help or solve the problem, but it does reduce risk and prevent future use.

As far as solving the problem, there are two solutions. Paying it or filing for bankruptcy. Under the paying it option, there's two paths: paying it all over time (downside: takes time, costs more) or paying a portion as a settlement (downside: get a 1099c for the difference).


Gmscott0 t1_jefqn75 wrote

Don’t miss payments that will hurt your credit worse than anything. What you need to do is list out all your debt from least to greatest. Then start paying on the smallest amount first. When that is done move onto the next one using the amount you paid to the first one added on. It’s called a debt snowball. Maybe see about selling stuff. Get a second job delivering pizza or doing door dash. Something that you can use to put toward that debt.


KReddit934 t1_jefrt6f wrote

It depends on if you are sure sure you won't need to charge again (or have another card still open)...because it will be hard to get a new card right away. (Also they should lower the interest rate, not just the payment amount.)


ChiMello t1_jefrwjj wrote

You can't just cancel a card you owe money on.


Cautious_General_177 t1_jefujwe wrote

Canceling the card won’t make a big difference in payments as you still owe the money and the balance is accruing interest. All canceling the card will do is prevent you from spending more on it and resetting your progress. If that’s the only way to ensure you don’t use it, then yes, cancel it. However, if you can figure out another way, keeping the card provides the “credit history” for the future