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CJ-Me t1_jee5lbv wrote

People pay for classes in many different ways. Seems you paid for a personal finance class through a dealership. The goal at this point is to learn from the class, so you don't have to take it again.


VeryDumbWithMoney OP t1_jeeuykv wrote

Yup I definitely feel like I’ve had this mistake engraved into my mind, for the past many months I’ve been thinking of ways of how to get out of this mess and I’ve also been paying off previous debts too, this is just the last one. Especially recently I’ve been obsessed with finances, budgeting, and running numbers and learning about anything money and tax related. Reading books on general finances, real estate methods, philosophy of money, etc has been my favorite pastime recently as well as podcasts and and finance YouTubers. I’m much more knowledgeable now than I was even just last year and don’t think I’ll ever forget this mistake/awakening.