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YEKm5v3pGTEd3g0o7Z1y t1_jeeqju0 wrote

A lot of people telling you to move on, it's fine. I disagree. While it really is fine, to feel better you need to take steps to repair the damage and improve going forward.

Do you have a budget yet? Make one. That budget should contain a "discretionary spending" category. Decide on an amount to put there every month. Luxury spends go out from there. When you don't spend, it accumulates.

Now make another category, Hobby debt. Set it to minus 6000 and every month put PART of what you would normally put in discretionary there instead . Don't be too aggressive or punitive here, a small part will do. When it's paid off, delete it and now discretionary takes both incomes

In the future only spend what you have accumulated, or, if you're really certain you can manage it, do it the same way as now