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Deep_Introduction_88 t1_jecpilk wrote

Can you go back to your old company? Or the company your friends are working at? I’m so sorry that’s happening to you, unfortunately that’s how 90% of businesses work and I can’t stand it. I would try to find a new job for sure, especially if it’s making you unhappy and affecting you’re mental health. No paycheck is worth your health & time. Especially if you could be getting paid the same if not more to be dealing with a lot less stress and annoying things


Intelligentzombiie OP t1_ject8zz wrote

Hey! Yes absolutely. I'm torn because I can go the company my friends work at but I'm feeling conflicted because I haven't been there for a year yet. I know that businesses have to maintain their standards by implementing audits and other processes but its too much. I feel like I'm drowning everyday and alot of the processes are unnecessary. I think I'm going to try to interview for the other company!


Trespass4379 t1_jedhdui wrote

You're an at will employee. That means you can fire your employer at will. You don't owe them a year just like they don't owe you a year.