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r3dt4rget t1_jegl3td wrote

What exactly were you hoping to insure against if you die if you are single? If you are interested in retirement, simply contribute that $100 to retirement…


Lessings_Elated OP t1_jegl848 wrote

It was presented to me as another pool of money to have in addition to my retirement

Edit: why did someone downvote this that’s not helpful I’m trying to learn here jfc


r3dt4rget t1_jegljqv wrote

It was a sales tactic. Drop the policy and pay off your CC debt faster. If you ever get dependents, buy a term policy to cover them in case you die and they lose a primary source of income.


occams_icarus t1_jegmesf wrote

Yeah absolutely. If it's whole life policy I would drop it, they make a much higher commission off whole life then term. Do you think you will have a family though one day or at minimum a partner? It wouldn't be a bad idea to lock in a term policy now if you think that may be something you are interested in because the monthly rate would be a lot better now then later as you get older, gain weight, etc...