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MissAnth t1_jegyme7 wrote

Your financial planner wants you to have the life insurance because he gets a commission on it.

Who is your life insurance beneficiary? You don't mention having any children, or any other people who you support or who depend on your income. If the only person you support is you, you do not need life insurance. Life insurance is so that those people who depend on you can still have a roof over their heads and survive if you die. If you and a partner split a mortgage 50/50, your partner may not be able to keep the house by themselves. In that case, you should have life insurance on each of you to cover each of your halves of the house, so your partner can continue to live there.

Some employers provide minimal life insurance as a benifit. Usually, it's about 1 year of salary. That's plenty for a person with nobody who depends on them. Maybe even overkill, but if the employer includes it at no additional cost to you, take it.


Lessings_Elated OP t1_jeh1rr6 wrote

He made it sound like it would be another pool of money for me to have for retirement in addition to my 401k - its a kind that I can take from before death / it terms out