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TeslaSaganTysonNye t1_je9x2xo wrote

The last thing you should be is deceitful. Tell the truth and see if they're willing to work with you. No one is going to advise you do anything illegal so don't ask those questions.


nkyguy1988 t1_je9x6ej wrote

No, you can't appear to give someone money while not giving them money. Unless you want to intentionally write a bad check which is check fraud.


wickedkittylitter t1_je9x7l9 wrote

Start packing. Your landlord will quickly catch on that you actually didn't pay rent and eviction will begin.


BogBabe t1_je9y3ik wrote

Get a job. Get a second job. Sell blood plasma. Sell anything you own of value. Borrow from friends or family. Take in a roommate. Move out before you get evicted.

IF you have a plan (not a fantasy, but an actual plan) for when and how you would be able to pay your rent, contact your landlord before you're late, explain the situation, tell him your plan, and ask him to work with you. If you take this route, make absolutely sure you stick to that plan and pay him when you said you would.


Cautious_General_177 t1_je9yl98 wrote

Most landlords will work with you, assuming you’ve been a good tenant and previously paid rent on time. It’s risky to try to replace a good tenant who may just be down on their luck for a couple of months. Talk to your landlord, see if they will accept partial payments while you find a new job


alexm2816 t1_je9yxw9 wrote

Financial deceit for your gain and at the expense of another is the legal definition of felony fraud. Maybe don't do that.


MrBalll t1_je9zxnv wrote

Why would you ask that? Go get another job.


fishproblem t1_jea8vm5 wrote

Fraud will still get you evicted with the additional possibility of criminal charges.

Start by sitting down and putting on paper the following: Your current income, what you have in the bank, what other monetary assets you have (stocks? crypto?) if any, and your monthly bills including your rent. Note how much debt you have and what it's from. Include info about unpaid rent.

Then share it here so people can give you real, useful advice.