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dswpro t1_jdqiw1z wrote

Up to you but it will only be used to negotiate against you. If they like you they can offer what they will. In 40+ years at various jobs I've never submitted or even been asked for this, but I suppose in some cultures it may be "normal". Personally it's none of their business IMHO, and their asking for it is a red flag to me. I would politely say " I am not comfortable sharing this information with you, thanks anyway. "


ColonelAngus94 t1_jdqjhj6 wrote

Regardless of whether or not you should it’s a massive red flag. Why would you want to work for someone that’s going to require you to submit documentation for the sole purpose of using it to pay you as little as humanly possible?

Obviously the company has a vested interest in not overpaying their employees - but I don’t work for people who won’t at least engage in a good faith negotiation based on what I realistically need to be comfortable.


lenbeen t1_jdqjo7v wrote

i've personally never been asked that before, and it's a little weird that they did ask for it. it's up to you, as far as i know it's not a requirement whatsoever and to be denied the job in the case that you don't provide it for them would very icky. the only feasible reason they would need that information, that i can think of, is to know a good wage to offer you based on your previous wage history. however, i strongly feel like it's just a way to negotiate in their favour as they'd have solid proof and you have no wiggle room to discuss a wage range for them

tl;dr - i wouldn't give it to them, it's not required, it sounds fishy and the potential to screw you over outweighs the potential to get the salary you'd like


bingbangbio t1_jdqrhnj wrote

If you want the job then go ahead since they’ll probably stop moving ahead with your app. But it will be used to keep your wages down. I would not and o would look for a different job.


GeorgeRetire t1_jdqyxh4 wrote

>Should I submit this info or not?

If you actually want the job, you should submit this information. Otherwise it's your choice.


Count_Dante t1_jdr0zak wrote

I was asked for this from a well known financial firm. I provided.

It would depend on the job for me.


shadow_chance t1_jdriwc4 wrote

There's virtually no way this is for your benefit and them asking is illegal in quite a few states.